1. dphjeff's Avatar
    Well why don't yall come visit some time?
    Have to go to work. Don't you two do anything I wouldn't do.
    09-03-13 02:45 PM
  2. miss_morgana's Avatar
    Have to go to work. Don't you two do anything I wouldn't do.
    Are you jealous handsome ?

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    dphjeff likes this.
    09-03-13 02:52 PM
  3. sad_old_man's Avatar
    Anytime honey

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    Well here's what you do!

    1. Find the most expensive bottle of bourbon and then buy the distillery!
    2. Get one of the bottles and clench it firmly between your teeth! (I'm presuming you still have your own teeth)
    3. Swim as far as you can, > that way until you see a boat!
    4. If I am on it and I see you, I'll wave at you!
    5. If I don't wave at you its the wrong boat so keep swimming and refer to step 2!
    6. Repeat these steps until I wave at you!

    (note to self, get immediate transfer)
    Carl Estes and dphjeff like this.
    09-03-13 02:52 PM
  4. miss_morgana's Avatar
    Well here's what you do!

    1. Find the most expensive bottle of bourbon and then buy the distillery!
    2. Get one of the bottles and clench it firmly between your teeth! (I'm presuming you still have your own teeth)
    3. Swim as far as you can, > that way until you see a boat!
    4. If I am on it and I see you, I'll wave at you!
    5. If I don't wave at you its the wrong boat so keep swimming and refer to step 2!
    6. Repeat these steps until I wave at you!

    (note to self, get immediate transfer)
    Check your PM

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    sad_old_man likes this.
    09-03-13 03:08 PM
  5. sad_old_man's Avatar
    Check your PM

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    I will when I return!

    I think the turds (as Mrs Cat would say are being projected towards the fan)!
    Carl Estes and dphjeff like this.
    09-03-13 03:11 PM
  6. Hirazi Blue's Avatar
    4. If I am on it and I see you, I'll wave at you!
    Be warned, however, instead of waving, he might throw a frozen duck at you for no apparent reason...
    sad_old_man likes this.
    09-03-13 03:20 PM
  7. miss_morgana's Avatar
    I will when I return!

    I think the turds (as Mrs Cat would say are being projected towards the fan)!
    Morgause you naughty b i t c h

    Sorry folk s me being a warlock witch have several personalities in my brain morgause is my evil b i t c h sister and lover
    She has this fetish to play with humans using me .. kinky and i like it

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    09-03-13 03:22 PM
  8. miss_morgana's Avatar
    I will when I return!

    I think the turds (as Mrs Cat would say are being projected towards the fan)!
    You do that ..

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    09-03-13 03:22 PM
  9. cmdr_dan's Avatar
    I think the turds (as Mrs Cat would say are being projected towards the fan)!
    Watch out for the propwash!
    sad_old_man likes this.
    09-03-13 03:32 PM
  10. miss_morgana's Avatar
    Hmm hardy hmm.. you humans are a bit pervert
    Well since i am witch warlock i am going to watch a little at what you perky men are doing
    ... hocus pocus lalalalala muamimuami shazam..
    Yes i see.. you have wings .. drunk monkeys .. and preparing for another world war ? ..
    Mm yummi me thinks i slept too much these eras

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    09-03-13 03:40 PM
  11. sad_old_man's Avatar
    Be warned, however, instead of waving, he might throw a frozen duck at you for no apparent reason...
    More proof that your a dutch woman! Women never listen! I did tell you did I not that I had to put my newly invented game on hold because the chef wouldn't give me anymore frozen ducks! That's why the boats cat is strolling around smirking at me? Ha ha but not for long! I have plans for him?
    09-04-13 11:47 AM
  12. Hirazi Blue's Avatar
    More proof that your a dutch woman!
    How much more proof do you need?

    Women never listen!
    So now you're a woman too? The plot thickens...
    sad_old_man and dphjeff like this.
    09-04-13 11:51 AM
  13. sad_old_man's Avatar
    How much more proof do you need?

    So now you're a woman too? The plot thickens...
    Listen you, whatever you are its been a bad day ok so I don't need confusing anymore than I am already! Ahab has invented a new game for all the passengers. It would appear that some cruise liners from a rival company have joined us so he has this imaginary circle inside his head? (otherwise his head would be empty).

    The game is played thus:

    The rival cruise liners enter the circle, he pushes a button that makes a very loud noise and I and several other passengers get manhandled into a ride machine (and these are big, big! manhandlers) . After they bang on our heads this nice man presses a button and we are catapulted into oblivion! A few minutes later the rival cruise companies boats leave the circle. Ahab tells us to come back and when we do he's not there? We then have to go look for the boat and get back on it!

    I've been up and down in the last 18hrs more times than a brides nighty on her wedding night? I definately wouldn't recommend this cruise company ever.
    Carl Estes and dphjeff like this.
    09-04-13 12:13 PM
  14. miss_morgana's Avatar
    Listen you, whatever you are its been a bad day ok so I don't need confusing anymore than I am already! Ahab has invented a new game for all the passengers. It would appear that some cruise liners from a rival company have joined us so he has this imaginary circle inside his head? (otherwise his head would be empty).

    The game is played thus:

    The rival cruise liners enter the circle, he pushes a button that makes a very loud noise and I and several other passengers get manhandled into a ride machine (and these are big, big! manhandlers) . After they bang on our heads this nice man presses a button and we are catapulted into oblivion! A few minutes later the rival cruise companies boats leave the circle. Ahab tells us to come back and when we do he's not there? We then have to go look for the boat and get back on it!

    I've been up and down in the last 18hrs more times than a brides nighty on her wedding night? I definately wouldn't recommend this cruise company ever.
    Honey you need a hug

    Sent from my BlackBerry using my fingers
    09-04-13 12:30 PM
  15. Hirazi Blue's Avatar
    Listen you, whatever you are its been a bad day ok
    You think you've got it tough: I had to tell my crew of sturdy sailors today, I am actually a woman...
    sad_old_man and dphjeff like this.
    09-04-13 02:48 PM
  16. sad_old_man's Avatar
    You think you've got it tough: I had to tell my crew of sturdy sailors today, I am actually a woman...
    So now your a leisure center?
    dphjeff and Carl Estes like this.
    09-04-13 02:50 PM
  17. Hirazi Blue's Avatar
    Such a dirty mind...
    You must be a woman!
    dphjeff and sad_old_man like this.
    09-04-13 02:55 PM
  18. sad_old_man's Avatar
    Such a dirty mind...
    You must be a woman!
    Not yet I hope?
    dphjeff and Carl Estes like this.
    09-04-13 03:07 PM
  19. miss_morgana's Avatar
    Not yet I hope?
    Every man has a woman in his underpants

    Sent from my BlackBerry using my fingers
    09-04-13 03:18 PM
  20. FF22's Avatar
    Not yet I hope?
    Even if you are still sitting in the dark a bit of self-groping should settle the question.
    Carl Estes likes this.
    09-04-13 04:12 PM
  21. Carl Estes's Avatar
    Even if you are still sitting in the dark a bit of self-groping should settle the question.

    09-04-13 04:18 PM
  22. miss_morgana's Avatar
    That last bottle was some beauty

    [IMG] 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAIMAxgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYBBwj/xAA9EAACAQMCAwYDBQYEBwAAAAABAgMABBESIQUxQQYTIlFhcY GRsRQyQlKhI2LB0eHwBxUkMxY0U2OSsvH/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMABAX/xAAfEQEBAAICAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRITEDEkFRYRP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APKXuJO5GlgcHmfcD+NVhy7ZwfEaNPI8rooOonSR4cHOOVCkja FnV8qwIIFLMZOlPa09eQz1FGt7WW57iKH7zZ+QGSfgAT8KjxMW dQ2cdKsreV4reCaAHvYmfOk42Ix/OtOwyvCM3DZ1+1EEH7NkyHfOA2ny8/OgiJjp0Yyy551c3t9e3MMuqLDOkomcE5kBZWJb2P1qvvBEYbcx Ky5jwwJzk5OabLUJhajGJwCHOG6Aiio2Yz7UAEpspI3z151wHA wM4pdbU2Umd2K4BNCzTyuxPUU3FECpwXIptETlWom6aSrzxTyM HGeVEgUtIoAJJYbD3oMjt5U0nFT5uFcR8Ui2M5TO5VCR+lQijB +7dWVs4IIwRRjJF9s0SflhH8aaGCgAjkKfxLH211XkoVf0GaEV 3NChsYFMc64QnQ0PNLJo6DZ+kHlTJFKociu69DBiM46edKebvY wAqjffFYZsGMZbaihMtV52b7O3/FbKW5tbSeVA+gFIiwJo/Hez19wWzSbiFtLb98+iMSIVLYGTjPwo6D2+M6aVdYeVcpTCMzQ yCVoiuobAehFNv5kmnJRCuV5H502UImY35qSDShaEzoWGRqAb2 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7MD+lUIjaXLoSAPCKsOAMYO09m358qf/ABNN8DfL6G4TJlVq3z4c1muDy5RTnoKvw47rnXNXVGX7dnVwC+ A6wt9K8KAIG+cGvcu2LZ4TdL5xN9K8PQ48PTFdPh6qd7dCr5Cu 6RSyKYxHSrscdqG3pSOfOmH3rMjXcHekEc6VSMedKsS4y16hBC qvhlUNjOk7keuKL4GCldZ3/F1NDt11ylgNO34BkmprR/sydIXUdhyz515lViNAlwjqNC4yfxHerWOzkvbNAtyBoOSCMgjy FQGOnCd6CM5AXlk1JilmjTdsDPLIGB50tum4oci92CNCKc4wxw KGHQqVLAgDUWQ4B2qJf8XghRu8Ku3TJG1ZLi/arYpE2sjljlRx9sumuvrUXHFoY5i4ACjmMYzis5xTtakYZYtDy Z5gbVlnub7is3dxK7E7aUHL38qtrLsyqL3l++f+2hx8zVsfDJz kS5/itmv+IcVk7uMO3mFH1PSp3D+zihg982rf/bQ/U1dwxRQRBIY1jA/KKWveqb1xE6Z3ccKaIlVFHQVFlY5qRM9Q3bmaIbDkOajSqpTBA OOVFZs0FjRkC0HThPKmWcnd8ZsZPKUDPvtTpG2qFNLomidc5R1 P600B7zwab9mu9aJJf2fOsRwW4zChzWmhn1JzqFjql4VvadtXD 5x+4fpXh7OAu59a9p49KDayA/lNeGhi7eldHh6qeVTA2tc53xXPehowU6aJkEVUZS28643pjNc2 prYrMa+rrtSppbHImu1g29RkukjjDggyEbKv86S3TFC0pwpG7F uXtWcl4xHDGdKq22xb61T33aJ2XQra8cvSvO9MsujzKRsb7i8c cemI4Axnpv0rNcT7UNkgStITzGqs1Pe3V4+jUx1HZU6nlU+x7P TzFTckwqfw82NPj4ZOyXPaJPe3l/IEGtieSLvVpw3s1I+Jb9u7U790vP41d2dlb2KFbeMKepxufc1I dz13qu9dE25aQQWkYS3jVFxyAp00mxFARzpwelMlfbNADGbFD1 4NckkyKjtJWkanTPhjUcsxHLApxYtuaC742pyms3lQnJrp9KZp LNgUQM0lzhedMurXFsyggv51OWMIMD4nzrqIJJUU9W+lDY6bzg j/AOjhPXSM/KtHbzEJisvw5u6sYi22FFWtpdCRTpINSronEM7QXAW1kPkprx8 MAuwNejdr7zuOHz5ONiK82AA5NiujxTRMuyzlts5J6ijqCBz3o Q3/AHq6rEbH51UIJk9TTCa6W2zTGagY0tg8s0qaTSrFCnlklcmRy3 uaYOYpUqjOgrbcEtoIbZXiiVXYZLY3qYSdbb8jtSpUlYTpQnJz SpUABJ2PufrQ5D4DXaVFqjSHw0D1pUqIG5O9AbnSpUYBpo0QAW lSrVofJStP+ZX2P0rtKgadt9wsDuBtUgqquCqgE+lKlU/q3xje2rM0TZOcFR9axx5UqVdXj6TprkjGNqd+EHrSpU4Ev3sUm pUqU0CPOlSpUCv/2Q==[/IMG]

    sent from my Blackberry Porche using my fingers
    09-04-13 04:26 PM
  23. Cynycl's Avatar
    Every man has a woman in his underpants

    Sent from my BlackBerry using my fingers
    You scare me crazy lady
    09-04-13 04:37 PM
  24. bambinoitaliano's Avatar

    Most have 21. It's what you want to include.
    09-04-13 04:37 PM
  25. bambinoitaliano's Avatar
    You scare me
    That old man is in deep doo doo luring out the warlock. Serves him right for leaving his woman with a credit card far far away thinking he earn his freedom......
    09-04-13 04:39 PM
7,608 ... 107108109110111 ...

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