1. lexluthorxx's Avatar
    I have noticed an interesting change.....the 'fanboys' have transitioned into 'glass is empty, but eventually something will be in it' ...we have (geeze i don't know what to call them now) 'apologists' and 'pollyanna's' for the current state of BBRYs current earnings result....(shades of the 'Thor promised we would get bb10 on playbook' blindness)...they refuse to see the writing on the wall....z10 isn't resurecting BBRY...q10 is sputtering along.....

    It�s a lot weaker than most analysts expected. 2.7 million units is less than one million per month.
    There are only 72 million BlackBerry subscribers left, down from 76 million last quarter and 79 million the quarter before that.(not taking into account pi$$Ing off 2million playbook owners)
    we have to see what happens when the Q10 is in full swing and we have to see what happens in emerging markets when the Q5 hits

    Apologists always have that to hang on too....of course when that doesn't deliver...Thor will just announce a new model....the fu5 maybe...and they can hope ........................again...............

    In the mean time, Wall Street wants results yesterday. BlackBerry did not deliver.....well they did......They delivered what my dog delivers when i take her out for a walk........................A dump!
    06-28-13 01:07 PM
  2. theegoldenone's Avatar
    Sorry op. It seemed the writing was on the wall for bb10 on the pb. And also on the wall for a non release. You provided us with a little bit of hope. Can't ask for anything more from you. I still use mine daily, so it's not a big deal to me, though having the z10, it would have been nice. Oh well. Dust yourself off and continue on with the journey.

    Posted via that Z-thang
    06-28-13 01:12 PM
  3. quackquack147's Avatar

    if a picture says a 100 words then this one is
    -rw-r--r-- 1 testuser testuser 324K Jun 28 23:50 Game_Over_by_ellen92.jpg
    so these 19 pages equals to 324KB thats about it! ;-)
    06-28-13 01:22 PM
  4. Synerworks's Avatar
    Blackberry has not been silent, they have not said a lot but they have not been silent.

    We all know Thorston Heins said Blackberry 10 will be on all playbooks by the end of the year, he more recently said that their tablet plans have not changed. If we take those 2 statements in mind with the FACT that the playbooks resolution has been re added to the 10.2 SDK (was removed in 10.1) 1024x600 its pretty clear looking at all three of these statments that its only a matter of time before we have 10.2 in one shape or form on our little black workhorses.

    Blackberry has not been entirely silent on the issue, but they have also not said a lot at the same time. you just have to have ears to hear and know where to look.

    Keep your eyes peeled there is a lot of good stuff happening in the meantime.

    and please please please stop all the blackberry are liars posts cause it simply is not true
    Boy doesn't the OP feel like a dope now.
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 01:28 PM
  5. sad_old_man's Avatar
    Boy doesn't the OP feel like a dope now.
    He can't, he's a fish and by the way this thread was not just another yet again bb10 thread. The reason is the OP is intelligent and possesses a sense of humor!
    Cynycl likes this.
    06-28-13 01:45 PM
  6. lnichols's Avatar
    bb10 is dead, now its hopes for a pbos2.2 or 2.5 or 3.0
    Nope time to accept the fact they only made statements to move units that were being heavily written off, and they don't plan to support the PlayBook beyond what it is. I could have bought a iPad too for the same price and would probably be getting BBM soon. Instead I was RIM'd. I even got some other people to buy PlayBooks saying that it would get BB10. Heard from one of them today as he sent me a link to an article about BB10 not coming to the PlayBook and I apologized. And to think that this $H!T @$$ company still wants us to go out and sell and evangelize for them and they just continue the string of BS! Sorry but I'm done with trying to help this company out. My two Z10's I'm in for will be the last money they get from me, and I'll go out and buy some Android or iOS devices for the kids since RIM and other companies will support those platforms, where not even RIM will will support their own stuff!
    JeepBB likes this.
    06-28-13 01:56 PM
  7. Bdot-1's Avatar
    Yowsers... well I know where NOT to get trusted advice from here on.

    RIP blackberry, you just shot your own eye out

    Posted via CB10
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 03:40 PM
  8. quackquack147's Avatar
    Boy doesn't the OP feel like a dope now.
    chill mate. no point venting your anger on him. he started it for fun and kicks. thats all i can say.
    06-28-13 03:43 PM
  9. lexluthorxx's Avatar
    Yowsers... well I know where NOT to get trusted advice from here on.

    RIP blackberry, you just shot your own eye out

    Posted via CB10
    You can trust 'us'....well me........well sometimes.....when i'm lucid......of course when i'm lucid....i tend not to post to the threads.....so...................if i am posting perhaps you shouldn't listen to me.....only listen to me when i don't post.....yeah thats it....Feel free to ask me when i'm not posting.....and whatever you do ...don't listen to me if i post anything.....

    Got it......

    Barracuda7772 and sad_old_man like this.
    06-28-13 03:47 PM
  10. sad_old_man's Avatar
    chill mate. no point venting your anger on him. he started it for fun and kicks. thats all i can say.
    Pssssssttt I'm the bearer of bad news again. Fun is something on this forum that stands just below the rankings of Apple, android and lg!
    06-28-13 03:48 PM
  11. quackquack147's Avatar
    Pssssssttt I'm the bearer of bad news again. Fun is something on this forum that stands just below the rankings of Apple, android and lg!
    aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! did you say apple. please censor is. else i will go mad. we already have a crisis and we call it RIM! no not apple again. i need the doctor more than apple.
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 03:53 PM
  12. sad_old_man's Avatar
    aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! did you say apple. please censor is. else i will go mad. we already have a crisis and we call it RIM! no not apple again. i need the doctor more than apple.
    Oh Dr Duck where have you been all my life? You are displaying tendencies that point towards Intelligent humor!
    06-28-13 04:03 PM
  13. quackquack147's Avatar
    Oh Dr Duck where have you been all my life? You are displaying tendencies that point towards Intelligent humor!
    quacking! ;-)
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 04:09 PM
  14. Fuzzballz's Avatar
    You provided us with a little bit of hope. Can't ask for anything more from you.
    How about asking for reality? Or is that impossible for fanboys?
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 05:22 PM
  15. MartyMcfly's Avatar
    How about asking for reality? Or is that impossible for fanboys?
    Lol @ your signature. That's hilarious
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 05:24 PM
  16. kraschute's Avatar
    Nope time to accept the fact they only made statements to move units that were being heavily written off, and they don't plan to support the PlayBook beyond what it is. I could have bought a iPad too for the same price and would probably be getting BBM soon. Instead I was RIM'd. I even got some other people to buy PlayBooks saying that it would get BB10. Heard from one of them today as he sent me a link to an article about BB10 not coming to the PlayBook and I apologized. And to think that this $H!T @$$ company still wants us to go out and sell and evangelize for them and they just continue the string of BS! Sorry but I'm done with trying to help this company out. My two Z10's I'm in for will be the last money they get from me, and I'll go out and buy some Android or iOS devices for the kids since RIM and other companies will support those platforms, where not even RIM will will support their own stuff!
    The thing is that they probably believe comapnies can only live from stupid advertisments and filthy store personel advertising their products? A lot is based on positive mouth to mouth propaganda - seems like they decided to fart into this advertisment channel with a lot of disrespect - will they wonder why so many loyal supporters will let them down now?
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 05:59 PM
  17. kill_9's Avatar
    God what a mess.................Sheldon calm down...not everyone gets your , sarcastic wit...at least i hope its sarcastic wit...otherwise the men in the white coats will be coming for you...Breathe....back to the books for you....

    ; loader.asm

    PartEntry STRUC
    Bootable db ? ;80h = bootable, 00h = nonbootable
    BeginHead db ? ;beginning head
    BeginSector db ? ;beginning sector
    BeginCylinder db ? ;beginning cylinder
    FileSystem db ? ;name of file system
    EndHead db ? ;ending head
    EndSector db ? ;ending sector
    EndCylinder db ? ;ending cylinder
    StartSector dd ? ;starting sector (relative to beg. of disk)
    PartSectors dd ? ;number of sectors in partition
    PartEntry ENDS

    BootSector STRUC
    bsJump db 0EBh, (extra - bsJump), 090h
    ; E9 XX XX or EB xx 90
    OemName db 8 dup (?) ; OEM name and version
    ; start of BIOS parameter block
    BytesPerSec dw ? ; bytes per sector
    SecPerClust db ? ; sectors per cluster
    ResSectors dw ? ; number of reserved sectors
    FATs db ? ; number of FATs
    RootDirEnts dw ? ; number of root directory entries
    Sectors dw ? ; total number of sectors (see HugeSectors)
    Media db ? ; media descriptor byte (0f0h for floppies)
    FATsecs dw ? ; number of sectors per FAT
    SecPerTrack dw ? ; sectors per track
    Heads dw ? ; number of heads
    HiddenSecs dd ? ; number of hidden sectors
    HugeSectors dd ? ; number of sectors if Sectors equals 0
    ; end of BIOS parameter block
    DriveNumber db ? ;
    Reserved1 db ? ;
    BootSignature db ? ;
    VolumeID dd ? ;
    VolumeLabel db 11 dup (?)
    FileSysType db 8 dup (?)
    extra dw ?
    BootSector ENDS

    DirEntry STRUC
    FileName db '????????' ;name
    Extension db '???' ;extension
    Attributes db ? ;attributes
    Reserved db 10 dup (?) ;reserved
    Time dw ? ;time stamp
    Date dw ? ;date stamp
    StartCluster dw ? ;starting cluster
    FileSize dd ? ;file size
    DirEntry ENDS

    CR EQU 0DH
    LF EQU 0AH

    yonder segment para public use16 at 2000h
    org 0h
    destination proc far
    destination endp
    yonder ends

    code segment para public use16 '_CODE'
    assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
    org 7c00h
    main PROC
    Boot bootsector < ,'BEROSET ',512,1,1,2,224,2880,0f0h,9,18,2,\
    0,0,0,0,29h,02a04063ch,'BEROSET 001',\
    'FAT12 ',07df1h>
    mov ax,cs ;
    mov ss,ax ; point ss:sp to CS:7c00h
    mov sp,7c00h ; which sets up a stack in first 64K
    mov ds,ax
    mov es,ax
    ;************************************************* ***************************
    ; CalcClustOff - calculates the starting logical sector number of
    ; cluster 0, which isn't really a cluster, but the
    ; number returned is useful for calculations converting
    ; cluster number to logical sector
    ; INPUT: ResSectors, FATsecs, FATs
    ; OUTPUT: dx:ax contains the starting logical sector number
    ; DESTROYED: none
    ;************************************************* ***************************
    CalcClustOff PROC
    xor dh,dh
    mov ax,[Boot.FatSecs]
    mov dl,[Boot.FATs]
    mul dx
    add ax,[Boot.ResSectors]
    adc dx,0
    ; now dx:ax = FATs * FATsecs + ResSectors
    mov word ptr [ClustOffs],ax
    mov word ptr [ClustOffs+2],dx
    mov dx,20h ; bytes per dir entry
    mov ax,[Boot.RootDirEnts]
    mul dx ; multiply 'em out
    div word ptr [Boot.BytesPerSec] ; and divide by bytes/sec
    add word ptr [ClustOffs],ax
    adc word ptr [ClustOffs+2],dx ; create the aggregate
    mov al,[Boot.SecPerClust] ;
    xor ah,ah ;
    shl ax,1 ; AX = SecPerClust * 2
    sub word ptr [ClustOffs],ax ;
    sbb word ptr [ClustOffs+2],0 ; propagate carry flag
    ; mov ax,word ptr [ClustOffs] ;
    ; mov dx,word ptr [ClustOffs+2] ;
    ; ret
    CalcClustOff ENDP

    ; mov WORD ptr [ClustOffs],ax
    ; mov WORD ptr [ClustOffs+2],dx
    mov bx,offset Boot
    call CalcClust2 C, \
    WORD ptr [(BootSector PTR bx).ResSectors], \
    WORD ptr [(BootSector PTR bx).FATsecs], \
    WORD ptr [(BootSector PTR bx).FATs]
    ; now dx:ax contains the logical sector for cluster 2
    call LsectToGeom C, \
    WORD ptr [(BootSector PTR bx).HiddenSecs] , \
    WORD ptr [((BootSector PTR bx).HiddenSecs)+2],\
    [(BootSector PTR bx).Heads], \
    [(BootSector PTR bx).SecPerTrack]

    mov dl,[(BootSector PTR bx).DriveNumber]
    mov bx,offset buff
    mov al,[(BootSector PTR MBR).SecPerClust]
    mov ah,2h ; get ready to read
    int 13h
    jc retry1
    ; now find our desired filename within buffer (which has the root dir)

    call FindFile C, \
    bx, 200h * 40h, offset BootFileName
    xor dh,dh
    mov dl,[(BootSector PTR MBR).SecPerClust]
    mov si,ax
    mov ax,[(DirEntry PTR si).StartCluster]
    mul dx
    add ax,WORD ptr [ClustOffs]
    adc dx,WORD ptr [ClustOffs+2]
    ; now dx:ax contains logical sector number for start of file

    call LsectToGeom C, \
    WORD ptr [(BootSector PTR MBR).HiddenSecs] , \
    WORD ptr [((BootSector PTR MBR).HiddenSecs)+2],\
    [(BootSector PTR MBR).Heads], \
    [(BootSector PTR MBR).SecPerTrack]
    mov si,offset Boot
    mov dl,[(BootSector PTR si).DriveNumber]
    mov ah,2h
    ; read in a cluster's worth of data
    mov al,[(BootSector PTR si).SecPerClust]
    ; point to our magic location
    mov bx,seg destination
    mov es,bx
    mov bx,offset destination
    int 13h
    jc retry2
    jmp destination
    ENDP main

    ;************************************************* ***************************
    ; LsectToGeom - converts from logical sector number to the physical
    ; geometry (head, cylinder, track) in the form required
    ; by the BIOS (Int 13h) disk read and write calls.
    ; INPUT: dx:ax=lsect, HiddenSecs, Heads, SecPerTrack
    ; OUTPUT: cx, dx are set with cylinder/track, and head respectively
    ; DESTROYED: none
    ;************************************************* ***************************
    LsectToGeom PROC C lHiddenSecsWORD, \
    lHeads:WORD, lSecPerTrack:WORD, bufferWORD
    USES ax ;save registers we'll use
    stc ;add one additional
    adc ax, WORD ptr [lHiddenSecs] ;add starting sector
    adc dx, WORD ptr [lHiddenSecs+2] ;
    div [lSecPerTrack] ;
    mov cl,dl ;store sector in cl
    xor dx,dx ;
    div [lHeads] ;
    mov dh,dl ;store head in dh
    mov ch,al ;store low 8 bits of cylinder in ch
    shr ax,1 ;
    shr ax,1 ;
    and al,0c0h ;pass through two hi bits only
    or cl,ah ;mov bits into location
    ret ;
    LsectToGeom ENDP

    ;************************************************* ***************************
    ; CalcClust2 - calculates the starting logical sector number of
    ; cluster 2, (the beginning of data space for
    ; partitions).
    ; INPUT: ResSectors, FATsecs, FATs
    ; OUTPUT: dx:ax contains the starting logical sector number
    ; DESTROYED: none
    ;************************************************* ***************************
    CalcClust2 PROC C cResSectors:WORD, cFATsecs:WORD, cFATs:BYTE
    xor dx,dx ;
    mov ax,[cFATsecs] ;
    mul [cFATs] ;
    add ax,[cResSectors] ;
    adc dx,0 ;
    CalcClust2 ENDP

    ;************************************************* ***************************
    ; FindFile - given a memory buffer containing the directory data
    ; and a static file name for which to search, this routine
    ; finds the file and returns a pointer to its directory
    ; entry in ds:si
    ; INPUT: dirbuffer, filespec
    ; OUTPUT: ax contains pointer to directory entry (or NULL)
    ; DESTROYED: none
    ;************************************************* ***************************

    FindFile PROC C dirbuffer:WORD, limit:WORD, filespec:WORD
    USES cx, dx, di, si, es
    mov cx,ds ;
    mov es,cx ; es and ds point to same segment
    cld ; always count forward
    mov ax,[dirbuffer] ; load 'em up
    add [limit],ax
    mov dx,[filespec] ;
    mov cx,11 ; size of dos filename (8.3)
    mov si,dx ;
    mov di,ax ;
    repe cmpsb ; compare 'em
    jz foundit ;
    add ax,20h ; size of directory entry
    cmp ax,[limit]
    jb keepsearching
    xor ax,ax

    FindFile ENDP

    BootFileName db "BEROSET SYS" ;the boot loader for this OS
    ; MBR db 0200h DUP (?)
    buff db 0200h * 40h DUP (?)
    ClustOffs dd ?
    org 7dfeh
    dw 0AA55h ; signature byte
    code ends

    This brings back lots of memories and a few nightmares. Actually I once recovered the case files for a lawyer from a corrupted diskette by knowing this stuff. Fun times back in the day.

    Posted via CB10 from the BlackBerry Z10
    06-28-13 08:42 PM
  18. Barracuda7772's Avatar
    awwww looknat you guys defending me while I was out and about .

    and yea this thread was for fun, I repramanded several people for being too useful in this thread !
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 08:51 PM
  19. jamesharmeling's Avatar
    I can't escape this thread! We need the ability to completely dump threads with the CB10 app. Barracuda, you are banned from starting a new thread for 90 days! Sad_old_man, you are just plain banned! This has been one of the stupidest, unruly, pathetically highjacked threads I have EVER seen and every time I open up CB10, somebody else has said something else that's not even remotely related to the topic. Want to talk about pancakes, Fiats, triggerfish, binary code or sandwiches?!?.....go somewhere else!!!!!!

    That being said, it does get kinda funny...

    Via Zeppelin 10
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-28-13 08:53 PM
  20. DariusG1996's Avatar
    BB10 Not on PlayBook Chat Thread-rip-blackberry-playbook-longer-version-created-darius-gardner.jpgYou sure about that?
    Last edited by DariusG1996; 06-30-13 at 07:24 AM.
    06-28-13 08:56 PM
  21. Dexter Neilson's Avatar
    I parked downtown in a sketchy neighborhood at lunch today and left my Playbook on the dashboard. Well when I came back the windows were all broken and some thug had left 5 Playbooks on the dashboard.

    My sincere sympathies to those in the Blackberry-influenced industries, I hope your careers find you in more stable employment and sincerely that you land on your feet.I am simply grateful that all I lost was my trust in a corporation and about $200 in Blackberry technology, software, and accessories. I was fortunate someone talked me into choosing an IPhone 2 weeks ago. Whew, that was close.
    06-28-13 08:58 PM
  22. Barracuda7772's Avatar
    I can't escape this thread! We need the ability to completely dump threads with the CB10 app. Barracuda, you are banned from starting a new thread for 90 days! Sad_old_man, you are just plain banned! This has been one of the stupidest, unruly, pathetically highjacked threads I have EVER seen and every time I open up CB10, somebody else has said something else that's not even remotely related to the topic. Want to talk about pancakes, Fiats, triggerfish, binary code or sandwiches?!?.....go somewhere else!!!!!!

    That being said, it does get kinda funny...

    Via Zeppelin 10
    james james james, this thread has a name with bb10 in it but it was never meant to be on topic, and it was never meant to have a topic. from the very beginning this was to be a anything goes place to be silly and vent and to talk about what ever they fancy.

    a hijack thread cannot be hijacked and related to a topic there is no topic.
    and james I'm not a hater I will take in anyone even if they wanna talk about pancakes,fiats(although they are broke more than they work). trigger fish( although I prefer barracudas) or sandwiches (mmmmmmm sandwiches).

    james your always welcome here
    06-28-13 09:19 PM
  23. smoothrunnings's Avatar
    Blackberry has not been silent, they have not said a lot but they have not been silent.

    We all know Thorston Heins said Blackberry 10 will be on all playbooks by the end of the year, he more recently said that their tablet plans have not changed. If we take those 2 statements in mind with the FACT that the playbooks resolution has been re added to the 10.2 SDK (was removed in 10.1) 1024x600 its pretty clear looking at all three of these statments that its only a matter of time before we have 10.2 in one shape or form on our little black workhorses.

    Blackberry has not been entirely silent on the issue, but they have also not said a lot at the same time. you just have to have ears to hear and know where to look.

    Keep your eyes peeled there is a lot of good stuff happening in the meantime.

    and please please please stop all the blackberry are liars posts cause it simply is not true
    It's official BB10 is not coming to the Playbook. BlackBerry officially announced it today to the world, BNN and the worlds other business networks also reported on it. Also BlackBerry reported losing 600,000 clients in the last month or two and now refuses to give an accurate number as to how many people are using BlackBerry devices; the writing is on the wall.

    R.I.P. BlackBerry aka RIM
    06-28-13 09:25 PM
  24. sad_old_man's Avatar
    james james james, this thread has a name with bb10 in it but it was never meant to be on topic, and it was never meant to have a topic. from the very beginning this was to be a anything goes place to be silly and vent and to talk about what ever they fancy.

    a hijack thread cannot be hijacked and related to a topic there is no topic.
    and james I'm not a hater I will take in anyone even if they wanna talk about pancakes,fiats(although they are broke more than they work). trigger fish( although I prefer barracudas) or sandwiches (mmmmmmm sandwiches).

    james your always welcome here
    Leave this to me fish as I am an experienced thread thingy........

    I hereby officially and definitely and other things I can't spell, hyjack this thread. I have locked it away in a secret place with only enough food and water for four days. After that time it will have to buy its own food. (I'm not a millionaire you know and food is expensive, well I.... Not going there) anyway that's the state of affairs. I will contact you later with the ransom note details and under no circumstances are you allowed to contact the CrackBerry police regarding this.

    Hirazi Blue likes this.
    06-29-13 06:35 AM
  25. Hirazi Blue's Avatar
    Technically you're still not hijacking anything, but taking it for ransom...:
    But that's mere semantics from a non-native speaker, I hasten to add.
    sad_old_man likes this.
    06-29-13 07:02 AM
1,583 ... 1718192021 ...

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