1. drodin's Avatar
    Get ready for a lot of fun and speed! The Linux mascot Tux is coming to QNX platform!
    Help penguin Tux to ride down the snow slope, collect as much fishes as you can.
    Practice, improve your skills and participate in events - beat the clock!
    Lots of different levels with various terrains and tricky passes.

    You can control Tux with accelerometer and touch screen, see game Help for more info.

    $1.99 only

    PS: Confirmed to run on os 2.0

    PPS: The game is in the Beta state! Most of the things were tested but some bugs can emerge. I you'll find bugs, please don't be angry with reviews, report them and they will be fixed quickly.
    Spaceheater likes this.
    10-21-11 05:07 AM
  2. rickgainsmith's Avatar
    I bought it this morning and had a go... Fun Game! Thanks for developing!

    My four year old daughter loves it also, she already has an iPad, might have to get her a PlayBook also...she's always wanting to take mine. :-)

    Thanks again and good luck with your app, I tried to write a review, not sure if its because I'm using 2.0 but App World won't allow me to submit it.

    10-21-11 05:45 AM
  3. Mojoski's Avatar
    Used to play this on my Linux desktop. Loving playing it on my Playbook now. Thanks for the port!!

    Just goes to show what a little POSIX and OpenGL support can do for porting! Sweet!
    10-21-11 06:05 AM
  4. Innovatology's Avatar
    Nice game, well done!

    But shouldn't the controls be reversed?

    Normally, on snowboard or ski's, when you move your weight left you turn right and vice versa ;-)
    10-21-11 06:33 AM
  5. Nedved51's Avatar
    Nice game, well done!

    But shouldn't the controls be reversed?

    Normally, on snowboard or ski's, when you move your weight left you turn right and vice versa ;-)
    Huh? Last time I was skiing when I leant to the left I started to turn left, when I leant right I started to turn right?
    10-21-11 07:06 AM
  6. DonnyVantage's Avatar
    Maybe he was confusing it with flying a plane! LOL down means up and up means down.
    10-21-11 08:20 AM
  7. A7omic's Avatar
    So if this is a port of tux racer are going to make your source code available? I ask because you have decided to charge for and that is your right however you ported code that is covered under the GNU general public licence which mean you must also make siad code available.

    From: Game Information

    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.

    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too.

    When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

    To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
    10-21-11 09:26 AM
  8. adrenaline_x's Avatar
    I'm guessing you can port the app yourself
    10-21-11 10:10 AM
  9. manofice1's Avatar
    drop the price to .99 cents game looks fun
    10-21-11 10:19 AM
  10. A7omic's Avatar
    I'm guessing you can port the app yourself
    Yes I suppose I could which is what is nice about open source but I am trying to raise a larger question here.

    Devs are going to start porting open source apps like this but really should they be charging for them?

    I mean 99% of the work was done for you, so do you believe you should charge for this or do you think the app should be distributed for free to help improve the landscape for everyone?

    You know if the dev had to put a lot of work into this then ya charge a little for it but if not then I think the licensing rules need to be followed or charge the minimal amount for it. I am by no means an expert on the GNU license though so if I am wrong then I am wrong but if not well then....
    anon(4018671) likes this.
    10-21-11 10:32 AM
  11. M.Rizk's Avatar
    Yes I suppose I could which is what is nice about open source but I am trying to raise a larger question here.

    Devs are going to start porting open source apps like this but really should they be charging for them?

    I mean 99% of the work was done for you, so do you believe you should charge for this or do you think the app should be distributed for free to help improve the landscape for everyone?

    You know if the dev had to put a lot of work into this then ya charge a little for it but if not then I think the licensing rules need to be followed or charge the minimal amount for it. I am by no means an expert on the GNU license though so if I am wrong then I am wrong but if not well then....
    Was going to hit purchase ... Should I purchase or something will be done to decrease the price or even make it free?

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    10-21-11 10:47 AM
  12. A7omic's Avatar
    If you want the game to play then purchase it, the dev has the right to charge for it.

    But I think there is a bigger topic to be discussed here that I thought went well with this thread.
    10-21-11 11:20 AM
  13. adrenaline_x's Avatar
    If you want the game to play then purchase it, the dev has the right to charge for it.

    But I think there is a bigger topic to be discussed here that I thought went well with this thread.

    I understand what you are saying, but the code is already open and available.. the Code was ported to the BB appworld. Not sure if the bar has to be made availble to comply with the GNU..

    but if its .99$ then you could argue that its the cost of the devs/porter's time.
    10-21-11 11:35 AM
  14. drodin's Avatar
    Mojoski Thanks. Just to clarify: BlackBerry Tablet OS have no support for OpenGL, it has OpenGL ES which is roughly mobile stripped down version of the first one...

    Innovatology I think it will be better to include an option for reverse controls in 'Configuration' menu in the next release.

    I respect the GPL and of course the source code will be eventually publicly released. As was the code of Android port, which I'am also maintaining. (And some other games ports, take a look at the github.com/drodin). It will be done as soon as the binary will be publicly available. In the main time try to read what you are quoting: you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. So as obligated, after you'll by the binary (or get it some other way, which I think is offending to App World agreement) I'll provide you the code on the physical media by mail upon your request.

    I'am really sorry to bring all this up, and have no intention at first to do so. But I really hate those '99%' and 'porting by myself' quotations. Well... try..., we can even bet on how good you'll do... It took me 3 weeks to port ETR to PlayBook, and I have already had a port of TuxRider to Android done, and those two share 60% similar codebase...
    10-21-11 11:39 AM
  15. M.Rizk's Avatar
    Mojoski Thanks. Just to clarify: BlackBerry Tablet OS have no support for OpenGL, it has OpenGL ES which is roughly mobile stripped down ve....

    It looks really to be a good game, but is it in HD, because you used a poor quality recording device really which made the video only 360P so I can't judge now whether the game is of a high quality or not.
    bbquincar and bbquincar like this.
    10-21-11 01:08 PM
  16. rickgainsmith's Avatar
    The rez is great! Its a fun game...
    10-22-11 05:07 AM
  17. A7omic's Avatar
    I respect the GPL and of course the source code will be eventually publicly released. As was the code of Android port, which I'am also maintaining. (And some other games ports, take a look at the github.com/drodin). It will be done as soon as the binary will be publicly available. In the main time try to read what you are quoting: you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. So as obligated, after you'll by the binary (or get it some other way, which I think is offending to App World agreement) I'll provide you the code on the physical media by mail upon your request.

    I'am really sorry to bring all this up, and have no intention at first to do so. But I really hate those '99%' and 'porting by myself' quotations. Well... try..., we can even bet on how good you'll do... It took me 3 weeks to port ETR to PlayBook, and I have already had a port of TuxRider to Android done, and those two share 60% similar codebase...
    I am sorry I did not mean to offend you with the 99% statement. I was not directing it at you and the effort you put into porting this game. My intention was to discuss the practice of charging for open source ports in general. I probably should have openned a separate thread to discuss this.

    As I stated I am no expert on the GNU licensing specific and hoped others in the know would comment but I did not intend to make anyone think that you MUST provide us with your port for free.

    So if I purchase the game can you provide me with the source on 5.25 inch floppy and deliver it to me by courier riding a camel
    10-22-11 09:36 AM
  18. anon(4018671)'s Avatar
    @drodin does this include the extra levels?
    10-22-11 11:36 AM
  19. drodin's Avatar
    @drodin does this include the extra levels?
    there are 22 levels, don't really know what do you mean by extra...
    10-26-11 02:45 AM
  20. drodin's Avatar
    $.99 promotion for now
    11-24-11 06:57 AM
  21. Roscopcoletrain's Avatar
    Nice! Will pick this up when I get home today

    Really wish App world let you push downloads from the desktop market to your device like Android does.
    11-24-11 07:25 AM