1. ineedhelp118's Avatar
    Okay so I am new to Crackberry. I am just wondeirng how long it takes to go from newbie status to all the other high ranking status' out there. How did you guys manage it. Thanks for the input!!
    05-21-09 07:20 PM
  2. amazinglygraceless's Avatar

    CrackBerry Newbie: 0 posts
    CrackBerry User: 10 posts
    CrackBerry Abuser: 100 posts
    CrackBerry Addict: 500 posts
    CrackBerry Master: 1000 posts
    CrackBerry Genius: 1500 posts
    CrackBerry Genius of Geniuses: 5000 posts

    URLs are not allowed until you have made your first ten posts. Once you have graduated from Newbie to User, you have full permissions.

    Keep in mind that posts made in the CrackBerry Cafe - Social Forums!, Off Topic and Storm Rants and Raves Do not contribute to post count.
    When you hit 5,000 posts and make the "Genius of Geniuses" status you can send a note to Kevin (kevin @ crackberry.com) and request your own personalized user title if you'd prefer something different. Consider it a reward for not just being a BlackBerry Addict, but also a CrackBerry.com Addict!
    How you get there is up to you, but remember that quality of posts are more
    important than quantity.

    Settle in, ask what you need to ask, help out where you can and enjoy the ride

    Welcome aboard

    PS: Try not to create threads titled "how do I???"
    05-21-09 07:28 PM
  3. Username00089's Avatar
    Don't forget the 10,000+ - amazinglygraceless retirement home
    05-21-09 07:31 PM
  4. amazinglygraceless's Avatar
    Don't forget the 10,000+ - amazinglygraceless retirement home

    I swear fo' GAWD!! I'm gonna track you down and hurt you.
    05-21-09 07:35 PM
  5. BergerKing's Avatar
    I'm selling tickets!

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    05-21-09 07:39 PM
  6. Username00089's Avatar
    I swear fo' GAWD!! I'm gonna track you down and hurt you.
    Bring it on Rocky...
    05-21-09 07:41 PM
  7. ineedhelp118's Avatar
    Thank you much I appreciate it. Note taken no more How do I????'s.
    05-21-09 07:43 PM
  8. Username0223's Avatar
    I'll take a ticket BK!! I've got the popcorn ready!!! **sits back and waits for bell to ring**

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    05-21-09 07:57 PM