1. FF22's Avatar
    I sent a friend an reply email. The symbol next to it is one I had not seen before and I don't see it on a jpg I've got of the various symbols that BB uses.

    Here's a thumbnail:
    07-16-10 12:44 AM
  2. Cyber Warrior's Avatar
    Is it the Saved Draft Symbol? or Memo.
    07-16-10 12:50 AM
  3. FF22's Avatar
    Oh, you may be right. I was sure I sent it originally but maybe not. It is just that the GREEN is so bright and colorful but not description of its meaning - it sure stood out.

    07-16-10 12:57 AM
  4. dictoresno's Avatar
    sure looks like a saved draft. you wrote an email and then backed out of it without sending, thats what you will get.
    07-16-10 01:13 AM
  5. Cyber Warrior's Avatar
    Case Solved
    07-16-10 01:18 AM
  6. dictoresno's Avatar
    things get solved when we are on the case around here.
    07-16-10 01:19 AM
  7. FF22's Avatar
    Between your two avatars, I'd be afraid not to have the case solved - thanks.
    07-16-10 08:34 AM
  8. MrObvious's Avatar
    Between your two avatars, I'd be afraid not to have the case solved - thanks.
    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was classic.
    07-16-10 11:03 AM
  9. dictoresno's Avatar
    legs get broken sometimes too.
    07-16-10 03:51 PM