1. Playbookjoe's Avatar
    I had posted a reply in another thread about qnx on laptops, etc which made me finally start a topic and ask, 'has anyone heard anything about qnx based servers?'
    I have a hard time believing that this hasn't been thought about by rim but haven't seen really anything about it.
    At my company we use ms sbs2008 (upgrading to sbs2011 atm). We have besx express loaded on the box as well which was a real pita to install. A qnx based server with bes/mobile fusion preloaded, rim's version of exchange, and a newbay alternative to sharepoint could, in my opinion, be a very compelling alternative. Even home server market with the new qnx smarthouse systems could be a great avenue.
    Bear in mind I know nothing about the size of small business server markets, but I wonder if anybody know anything about this.
    06-20-12 10:23 PM
  2. anon(2757538)'s Avatar
    I know pretty much nothing about BES servers or any kind of server for the matter, but RIM being able of tie-in all their "pieces" into one server would be amazing for the enterprise.

    Realistically, RIM's business is and always will be about the Enterprise. Spare no expense to ensure their business is done properly.
    06-20-12 10:49 PM