1. New2BB24's Avatar
    Does Blackberry Messenger take up a lot of data?
    11-03-10 10:53 PM
  2. dictoresno's Avatar
    not really. the only time ive noticed it does is when a person joins a group. for a few hours, there is a constant flow of incoming/outgoing data that kills the phones battery.
    11-03-10 11:18 PM
  3. Laura Knotek's Avatar
    The only other thing that might use a lot of data is sharing large files via BBM.

    Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
    11-04-10 09:30 AM
  4. the_sandman_454's Avatar
    I agree. The answer is both yes and no, or rather, it totally depends on what you use it for. If you never send any files, then it should use very little data regardless how long winded you are. However, BBM allows for big file transfers (in the past, it allowed up to around 6mb, and still might), so you have to be aware of what you're doing.
    11-04-10 10:43 AM
  5. New2BB24's Avatar
    The only other thing that might use a lot of data is sharing large files via BBM.

    Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
    I agree. The answer is both yes and no, or rather, it totally depends on what you use it for. If you never send any files, then it should use very little data regardless how long winded you are. However, BBM allows for big file transfers (in the past, it allowed up to around 6mb, and still might), so you have to be aware of what you're doing.
    not really. the only time ive noticed it does is when a person joins a group. for a few hours, there is a constant flow of incoming/outgoing data that kills the phones battery.

    Alright thanks everyone, I appreciate the kind help
    11-05-10 01:00 PM
  6. danageplan's Avatar
    BBM, no, BUT BBM GROUPS! CAN, make sure you set your groups to not automatically download all pictures added. Even then BBM uses virtually nothing, the beauty of blackberry compression.
    11-08-10 04:25 PM
  7. flyingdutchman7588's Avatar
    BBM uses very very little data. I remember seeing my last bill and I had only used 17MB of data and this included heavy heave BBM'ing, some internet browsing, checking scores almost everday and downloading some pictures.
    11-08-10 05:23 PM