1. gargaveli's Avatar
    This is one of the hottest news in the local Press:


    Governor sends electronic gratitude message through his "BlackBerry" to its followers giving them thanks for their support.

    By The Associated Press

    SAN JUAN - Since the interior of the federal court, the governor An�bal Acevedo Vil� sent electronically a message to its followers thanking him their support.

    "We recognize the presence of the Puerto Ricans that are here indignant and in defense of our town. To them our respect and gratitude", indicated the proxy in the message that sent through the "BlackBerry" of the executive director of the Democratic Popular Party (PPD), An�bal Jos� Torres. The message was received by Angel Ra�l Matos, an official of the PPD, who read it the demonstrators wagered since early to the outskirts of the federal court. Acevedo Vil� was accused yesterday of 19 federal charges of corruption by presumed illegalities in their political campaigns and today was delivered to the American authorities, that also accused other 12 people linked to the PPD.

    The followers expected with faces of worry the exit of the proxy of the initial view in which the 19 charges related to the management of the finances of their campaigns they would read him themselves.

    Nevertheless, while they expected, the popular did not doubt in dancing to the rhythm of the hymn of that community and of songs that repeated the refrain that Acevedo Vil� has minted as its motto of campaign: "Pa' lante"

    Now in Spanish:

    11:16 a.m.
    Agradecimiento electr�nico
    Gobernador env�a mensaje a trav�s de la �BlackBerry� a sus seguidores d�ndole gracias por el apoyo.
    Por The Associated Press
    SAN JUAN - Desde el interior del tribunal federal, el gobernador An�bal Acevedo Vil� envi� electr�nicamente un mensaje a sus seguidores agradeci�ndole el apoyo.
    �Reconocemos la presencia de los puertorrique�os que est�n aqu� indignados y en defensa de nuestro pueblo. A ellos nuestro respeto y agradecimiento�, se�al� el mandatario en el mensaje que envi� a trav�s de la �BlackBerry� del director ejecutivo del Partido Popular Democr�tico (PPD), An�bal Jos� Torres. El mensaje fue recibido por �ngel Ra�l Matos, un funcionario del PPD, quien lo ley� a los manifestantes apostados desde tempranos a las afueras del tribunal federal.
    Acevedo Vil� fue acusado ayer de 19 cargos federales de corrupci�n por presuntas ilegalidades en sus campa�as pol�ticas y hoy se entreg� a las autoridades estadounidenses, que tambi�n acusaron a otras 12 personas vinculadas al PPD.
    Los seguidores esperaban con rostros de preocupaci�n la salida del mandatario de la vista inicial en la que se le leer�an los 19 cargos relacionados con el manejo de las finanzas de sus campa�as.
    Sin embargo, mientras esperaban, los populares no dudaron en bailar al ritmo del himno de esa colectividad y de canciones que repet�an el estribillo que Acevedo Vil� ha acu�ado como su lema de campa�a: �Pa�lante�
    03-28-08 08:11 PM
  2. jhard's Avatar
    No speaka da englash?
    03-29-08 09:06 AM
  3. rayporsche's Avatar
    Indeed Big SHAME, the only followers that individual may have wouldn't probably be able to have a BB or are in prison. They say that what goes around comes around and now he can only harvest the fruit of his work. Now the only thing left is for the System to work. Sorry sometimes my enthusiasm gets the best of me.....
    03-29-08 05:30 PM
  4. kleraudio's Avatar
    im not sure I understand what that article posted is about...

    03-29-08 05:49 PM