1. robbied1024's Avatar
    For some reason I can no longer select the about option in the options menu on my phone.. Don't know when this started just discovered it yesterday.. I have done a battery pull and also cleared my memory and caches.. Not sure what has happened can anyone assist. On one side note as a possibility I recently downloaded the MAXMEM app and the only options I chose to removed was the VAD and the Foreign resources. If this is the issue can someone tell me how to reinstall those? Thanks.
    11-28-09 01:25 PM
  2. Motorcycle Mama's Avatar
    Removing Voice Activated Dialing results in the About screen not working.

    You can get to a similar screen by pressing ALT SHIFT H.

    Or just reinstall VAD the same way you deleted it.
    11-28-09 01:39 PM
  3. robbied1024's Avatar
    Awesome!! Thank you the Alt shift H worked. The only reason I used the about menu was to see what os and platform i have since i always forget Thanks again!!
    11-28-09 01:43 PM