1. Roymus's Avatar
    I'm interested in getting an app to lock picture folders on my 8130 Pearl. Ideally, I'd like to create a folder called "Private" and assign a password to it so it can't be navigated to in the picture viewer without supplying a password. The same would apply for videos, although I think that would be tougher. I'm willing to pay some $$$ for something like this...any ideas?
    02-20-08 02:43 PM
  2. Rayford Booth's Avatar
    From what i have read. On a BB you cannot lock a folder.

    No it may be possible to have someone create a program that would encrypt files and you could only view the pictures once the encryption is removed but that program would need RIMs approval cause it would use the protected Crypto APIs
    02-26-08 02:14 PM
  3. Rayford Booth's Avatar
    You best bet (if you want to hide something) is to name the folder with the files you want to hide, something that people would not expect to look in. Like "System" or "utilities"
    02-26-08 02:15 PM