1. blakeyece's Avatar
    is there a program that does the reciving more in a txt without having to connect to dl it? my house has bad service and takes forever to finish recieving the txt
    09-28-09 12:07 PM
  2. FYDave's Avatar
    I don't see how what you're asking is possible. It's receiving more because it doesn't have the entire message in the first place. In order to receive the rest, it would have to connect to SOMETHING to download the remainder of the message.
    09-28-09 12:59 PM
  3. blakeyece's Avatar
    guess thats a good point. i guess what im tryin to ask is like the lgs and samsung phones get the whole message at one time. the blackberry gets the message but has to receive more. theres noway around that?
    09-28-09 01:01 PM
  4. dcgore's Avatar
    I don't think it is possible since messages go through the Blackberry servers and for speed content is limited unless you opt to receive more when accessing it. It sucks you don't have good service at your home so maybe you should look into the VZ phemtocell (don't know how to spell it) it is basically a wireless router for your cellphone that hooks to a broadband signal at your house. Call VZ and see what they tell you about it.
    09-28-09 01:13 PM