1. jana_leigh14's Avatar
    What does this icon mean and how do I get rid of it??! It is a 1 with a little flag pole type thing beside it with a red circle with a white star in it.
    05-30-11 09:38 PM
  2. Zach7's Avatar
    Can you open blackberry messenger and see if you have been sent a msg?
    05-30-11 09:55 PM
  3. freethisberrydotcom's Avatar
    What 3rd party apps do you have installed?
    05-30-11 10:23 PM
  4. jana_leigh14's Avatar
    blackberry messenger, facebook, blackberry app world, and memory (game)

    and there are no messages in blackberry messenger
    05-30-11 10:30 PM
  5. prashkul's Avatar
    Tap the notification bar (straight along the profile/universal search button) and there should be a drop-down of the message. Tap the message to read/access.
    05-30-11 10:34 PM
  6. jana_leigh14's Avatar
    there is nothing there when i tap it.
    05-30-11 10:35 PM
  7. prashkul's Avatar
    Ok! Do any of the apps show any new notification on the 'All' screen? Anything in the 'Messages' folder?
    05-30-11 10:38 PM
  8. Zach7's Avatar
    Reading some forums here, it looks like it may be related to application update that is available. Some were able to clear it by updating applications and others had to update then go to their message inbox and make sure to open any update messages.
    jana_leigh14 likes this.
    05-30-11 10:41 PM
  9. jana_leigh14's Avatar
    Thank you everyone for your help - it was under messages - someone was requesting to play against me in word mole (??) and i declined and it disappeared.
    05-31-11 03:55 PM