1. mrjfuller's Avatar
    reloaded the latest hybrid, still a newbie pretty much - looking for a way to auto-erase my "missed calls" log after say a week. is there a setting that will do that? thanks in advance.
    03-15-09 12:25 AM
  2. graspDESIGN's Avatar
    only thing you can do as far as I know is to go to your Messages Folder, click the BB button, go to Options, then General Options, then set the Keep Messages to however long, or short you want.

    Problem is that this is for ALL messages in the folder, and not just missed calls.
    03-15-09 12:36 AM
  3. mrjfuller's Avatar
    that should work just fine, thanks! main reason i wanted to do that was i noticed some txts and things were getting erased.
    03-15-09 12:38 AM