1. Nsostrom08's Avatar
    When using handbrake, I can't seem to get past task 1 and onto the 2nd task of the 2 different tasks that apparently need to be encoded. It just stops after 100% on task 1 and never puts a completed encoded file in the location I chose to place the completed file since it's apparently not finished. Anyone help?
    12-06-08 07:41 PM
  2. buxleyp's Avatar
    What happens when you try single pass?
    12-06-08 07:45 PM
  3. dabusabus1's Avatar
    What Movie are you trying to use with handbrake? I had a problem with Casino Royale and i had to start from chapter 2 instead of one. Is the movie a Sony movie?
    12-06-08 07:47 PM