1. citi's Avatar
    I have done battery pulls, application kills and everything else, but it seems like my phone spends a lot more time, "thinking" then it did in .75. Is anyone else getting this? The accelerometer is better, but now it feels slower across the board?
    12-08-08 06:24 PM
  2. skipo's Avatar
    Same here. Before .75 I never saw the clock thingy. It's not real bad now but every once in a while I may see it when I open a program for maybe a half second if that. On the other hand no accelerometer hang and pictures load up a little quicker.
    12-08-08 09:28 PM
  3. kas4boys's Avatar
    I agree! i see no difference in mine except for the accelerometer. The fading in and out really bothers me. and the waiting dial does come up alot. dont know if it is more then before. but i expected to see a big difference and i dont. when you play with other blackberrys they move through screens so quickly.
    12-08-08 10:00 PM