1. delphian15's Avatar
    Can someone explain to me the Touchscreen settings: Tap interval, Hover Period, and Swipe Sensitivity? The number doesn't mean anything to me without knowing the units its implying such as micro or milliseconds. Also what is the Keyrate setting?
    12-24-08 01:06 PM
  2. mystics7's Avatar

    Posted by T L B


    Tap - appears to be how long a "tap" lasts, so slower typers appreciate a longer interval as their "taps" will be longer as the finger takes a longer time period to move on/off the key ... faster typers like a lower setting

    So I have 100 - seems to allow for ~85-90% of the typing speed I had on a Curve

    Swipe Sensitivity - exactly what it says, how responsive do you want swipe actions, like scrolling, to be
    So I have 6, the highest - yields ipod touch/iphone like scrolling speed (one of the good features of the iPhone platform). [note, you still wont have the "rubber-band/flick" type scrolling]

    Hover - How long before a "hover action" is triggered, like auto-search for all messages from a sender. I really don't think this impacts typing speed.

    So I have 200 - allows for a slight delay during selection but then starts an auto-search pretty quickly

    Just based on playing with them all myself. Tap is noticeable in typing, Swipe is noticeable in scrolling. Hover seems to have no impact during typing ... but set it high and try to do an auto-search by holding your finger on a message ... it will take forever to auto-search.

    12-24-08 01:16 PM