1. kb5zht's Avatar
    Now this isnt a development in 2.0.1, it has actually been working for a few days now but after extensive checking several titles "just to make sure" I now am confident that, whoever was to blame, the problem is rectified now.

    Its a small victory but I will take it.
    04-17-12 09:14 PM
  2. redk's Avatar
    That's good to know, can anyone else confirm?
    04-17-12 09:23 PM
  3. grover5's Avatar
    I watched a movie and two shows this past weekend with no issues.
    04-17-12 09:25 PM
  4. llllBULLSEYE's Avatar
    Yep every single video I played is working on my PB
    Goodbye Netflix
    04-17-12 10:14 PM
  5. RoboticGolem's Avatar
    I had issues with some tv shows. I have also stopped my prime membership. Can anyone confirm tv shows? The movies have always worked for me.
    04-18-12 01:08 AM
  6. lotuslanderz's Avatar
    Unfortunately the Kindle Cloud Reader doesnt work on the PlayBook any more. Used to work well but has been broken for a couple of months. This new update didnt fix it. I know one can sideload the Android Kindle App, I just thought maybe it was a browser compatibility issue when it broke and that it would be fixed eventually. The supported browsers are web-kit based.
    04-18-12 02:01 AM
  7. kb5zht's Avatar
    Unfortunately the Kindle Cloud Reader doesnt work on the PlayBook any more. Used to work well but has been broken for a couple of months. This new update didnt fix it. I know one can sideload the Android Kindle App, I just thought maybe it was a browser compatibility issue when it broke and that it would be fixed eventually. The supported browsers are web-kit based.
    Yea the cloud reader on my device quit working with 2.0. All responses from amazon were "we dont support the playbook" and rim wouldnt respond at all. Therefore amazon started losing business as i surrendered and began using kobol. I regret it as i know the kindle library is larger. Why amazon wouldnt want to just make an official app for playbook and increase their revenue even more is beyond me.

    Yep every single video I played is working on my PB
    Goodbye Netflix
    I wouldnt be so hasty..... It could mysteriously quit working any day now.
    Last edited by kb5zht; 04-18-12 at 05:50 AM.
    jfelen likes this.
    04-18-12 05:48 AM
  8. Blkacesvf41's Avatar
    Kb, you just beat me to it. I was about to start this thread. Last night I was bored so I started trying some of titles that wouldn't work before, of course they work now. Perhaps it is because of latest update, who knows, either way I'll take it. I was so pissed with Amazon a couple of months ago that I cancelled my prime membership, so is due to expire in July. After this development I may have to reconsider.
    04-18-12 06:57 AM
  9. jrohland's Avatar
    I reported yesterday in another thread that Prime video is working. I tried some vids that would not play before and they now work.

    As to Kindle cloud reader; Since I sideloaded the Kindle reader on my ladies PB, she has not bothered with cloud reader. In fact she won a Kindle Fire which she gave to her niece since she can use her PB as her Kindle reader. You may wish to go ahead and sideload the Android Kindle reader.

    Amazon still needs to get some stuff done. In the order I care about them.
    (Native means an actual PlayBook/OS10 app, not an Android app.)

    1) Native Audible client.
    2) Native Cloud Player. The Web Cloud Player works.
    3) Native Kindle Reader.
    4) Native access to the Cloud Drive.
    04-18-12 07:37 AM
  10. jrohland's Avatar
    I am really liking having Amazon Prime on my PB. Put the Bluetooth headset in my ears last night and watched a really good German movie called North Face. Did this sitting on the sofa with my lady as she watched her shows on the TV.

    I have watched movies on my Torch (not Amazon Prime) but the PB screen is a much more comfortable size.

    However, I am unable to play any of the R-Rated movies I've tried. At first I thought it might be trying to pop up a disclaimer or to ask for age related permission. I turned on pop ups and tried again. Still not working. So I tried it on several Windows computers and they would not play there either. Don't know what the deal is but, it does not appear to be a PB issue.
    04-19-12 07:01 AM
  11. Jiggy1971's Avatar
    does this require an application or does it go through the browser?
    03-04-13 04:21 PM
  12. jrohland's Avatar
    Yes through the browser. Just open Amazon.com, sign in and tap Amazon Instant Video.
    03-04-13 04:28 PM
  13. SlcCorrado's Avatar
    Weird, wasn't working for me last night but today it's working again
    03-04-13 04:37 PM
  14. SK122387's Avatar
    I just left Netflix for Amazon Prime, so this is cool. I'm still trying to figure out how to work Amazon Instant Video from the web, and have so far only used the app for my iPod touch.
    03-04-13 09:38 PM
  15. SlcCorrado's Avatar
    I just left Netflix for Amazon Prime, so this is cool. I'm still trying to figure out how to work Amazon Instant Video from the web, and have so far only used the app for my iPod touch.
    For me, I just log in to amazon, select amazon prime videos from the left side menu and go from there. It plays right inside the broswer. You can just double tap it for full screen
    03-05-13 07:38 AM
  16. GV2012's Avatar
    Sorry if this is dumb question as I am new to buying movies over Internet but can you not do the cheaper rent to watch movies for a few days like some other sites. I m not claiming it can't be done here as I quickly just browsed the movies section and have only seen the higher buy out right option
    03-05-13 06:52 PM
  17. kilus.white@gmail.com's Avatar
    I recently purchased a playbook (foolish, I know, but I have 30 days to return it...) and was wondering if there was an update to this thread... can anyone view amazon prime videos on the PB at this point in time?
    07-29-13 03:49 PM
  18. kilus.white@gmail.com's Avatar
    Does amazon prime still work for you by way of the PB browser? Please advise. Thank you in advance!
    07-29-13 03:52 PM
  19. FF22's Avatar
    Well, do you have Amazon Prime? You can test it.

    But I seem to recall a thread from just the other day or so, that it did still work.
    07-29-13 06:11 PM
  20. kilus.white@gmail.com's Avatar
    I actually tried it day one and it did not work for me. Last night I "registered my device" via amazon prime (which I had not been
    prompted to do before) and it worked after that. Thanks for your... "Assistance"...
    FF22 likes this.
    07-30-13 10:15 AM
  21. Kevin Walker6's Avatar
    wow, I hadn't even thought about doing this! Just popped over to my prime account and I am watching Avengers in HD on my Playbook.
    FF22 likes this.
    07-30-13 10:29 AM