1. Hauntedisle's Avatar
    Greetings! I've have had my BB Pearl 8120 for about a year. In the past when I've done the battery pull, (probably about 5 times all together), the battery icon with a red slash through it appeared once or twice, followed by the hourglass and successful re-set. Last night, my email and MMS were not working so I did a battery pull. Same battery, 30 seconds later, in the BB, but now it won't turn on. No water exposure, no dust. The last time I did a battery pull was in December and I got the hourglass after about 15 or 20 attempts of getting the red slashed battery icon; but it finally re-set. This time, not so. I tried it for 4 hours last night. I keep getting the same white screen with a red slash through a battery and I get a steady red light. I even put a brand new (genuine) battery in to see if it was the battery. No go. Has anyone had this problem? Could it be the battery contacts? Why would this happen all of a sudden. I haven't dropped it or exposed it to water or dust and it gets turned off for 8 hours a day to "rest". I treat this device as if it were an infant. Please help me, I'm an educator who needs her BB to communicate with students! I've had to regress to my old Razr, which is torture! Help!
    03-06-09 08:38 AM
  2. kingakuma's Avatar
    I would Pull the Battery Cover and Make Sure that "ALL THE BATTERY PINS ARE THE SAME LENGTH" if one was pushed back and not connecting could give you a battery error
    03-06-09 10:00 AM
  3. Hauntedisle's Avatar
    Thank you king, they all appear to be the same length.
    03-06-09 10:21 AM
  4. ndnoutlaw's Avatar
    replacement battery is probably needed.
    don't know how well ATT takes care of you guys but tmobile will send a replacement battery just to test the thing. or allow me to go to the tmobile store and try another battery to make sure the device is ok.
    might need a replacement covered under a warranty.
    03-06-09 01:52 PM
  5. ivanlexpc's Avatar
    Bueno, mira, despues de leer desesperado en varios foros y sitios y no encontrar una solucion para mi BlackBerry 8100, la cual estaba conectada al pc cargando y al desconecatarlo y apagar el pc quedo bien, y en la ma�ana solo marcaba una pila tachada, trsitemente me resigne a perder mii tan adorado telefono, ya que la garantia no se encontraba vigente y nadie daba con el chiste, en fin, ya desesperado me dedique un par de noches a buscar la soluci�n hasta que la encontre, asi que describo los pasos a continuaci�n:

    1. Al conectar el cargador a la BB, se mantiene el icono de la pila tachada, pero dejala asi un par de horas para que cargue la pila al maximo.

    2. Luego la conectas al PC y escuhas que el pc la reconoce en el puerto USB, pero al abrir el desktop manager no te muestra el PIN de la BB, y el icono de la pila tachada se mantiene.

    3. OK este es el paso importante y es el que revive el telefono, asi que pon mucha atencion, sin desconectar el telefono del cable USB, presionas el boton de colgar (el rojo, con la que se prende y se apaga el telefono), y acto seguido presionas el boton verde (el de contestar), en un par de segundos la pantalla se pondra negra, no sueltes ninguno de los dos botones, que en un lapso de 10 segundos la pantalla se pondra blanca y el reljito aparecera en el centro de la pantalla, no sueltes, repito NO SUELTES, los botones durante este paso, ya que inmediatamente vuelve al icono de la bateria tacha.

    4. Cuando termine de cargar el soft, y salga el logo de blackberry, sueltas el boton rojo, para que el telefono no se apague, y mantienes presionado el verde, hasta que salgan todos los iconos.

    5. Cuando salgan todos los iconos y tu telefono aparentemente este funcionando perfecto, desconectas el cable usb, ojo, todo esto sin soltar el boton verde.

    6. Sueltas el boton verde, y pruebas que salgan llamadas y todo ande perfecto, asi verificas que el hardware esta perfecto, pero no siempre es el paso final.

    7. Revisa que reconozca la memoria sd y lo demas funcione.

    8. Reconectas el cable USB, pueden pasar dos cosas, la primera es qeu salga la pila tachada y debas repetir los pasos 1 al 5, sin desconectar el cable usb, o en segunda, que aparezca la conexion de desktop y el telefono aparentemente funcione bien. Si te toca repetir los pasos del 1 al 5, NO SUELTES EL BOTON VERDE PARA NADA!!!!

    9. Entras a a la opcion de actualizar el software de la BB, con el desktop manager, y actualizas a la version mas reciente, cuando la pantalla se ponga negra, despues de iniciar el proceso de actualizacion, puedes soltar el boton verde, pero ojo, no te puedes descuidar del telefono.

    10. Cuando termine de cargar el soft, el desktop manager tratara de reiniciar el telefono, si sale la pila tacha, nuevamente presionas el rojo y luego el verde hasta que el desktop manager, reconozca el telefono y prosiga la carga del software sin soltar el boton verde, hasta q termine el proceso de carga de archivos, q es la segunda parte, de la instalacion del soft del telefono, si la pila tachada no sale, no presiones nada, dejala que ande sola que ya qdo bn.

    11. Cuando se vuelva a apagar la pantalla, ya deberia iniciar sola, y ya solo debes esperar que termine de instalar, si no, de nuevo rojo y verde para q recargue el soft, al terminar la actualizacion de manera satisfactoria, desconectas tu tel.

    12. Reconfigura tu telefono como solias usarlo, has llamadas y todo normal, y apagalo con el boton rojo.

    13. Prendelo y disfrutalo.

    Es dispendioso pero les garantizo que soluciona el problema de la pila tachada en la BlackBerry 8100, ya que asi revivi la mia y la tengo andando de lujo, y queda demostrado que es un error de software mas no de hardware, y que mucho menos genera la perdida del telefono, espero les sea util.

    Recomendaciones adicionales:

    1. Usar la version mas actualizada del Desktop Manager

    2. No hacer downgrade del telefono, usa la version ma reciente que te de en disponibilidad el Desktop Manager, ya que con la version 4.2 no me ando, y con la version 4.50.108 quedo de lujo!!!

    Cualquier cosa me pueden contactar a mi correo o aporten en este mismo tema que con gusto les respondo.

    07-23-09 02:16 AM
  6. cherryjuice's Avatar
    I too would suggest a new battery...

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    07-23-09 08:24 AM
  7. tovento's Avatar
    I had this funny behaviour a few days ago. I pulled the battery, waited about 10 sec, and put it back in...phone wouldn't turn on. I pulled again, put the batter back in, and this time the phone started up, but it showed that my battery was dead. The battery indicator showed 50% full before I pulled it.

    So, I took the battery out, and took the eraser end of a pensil and cleaned up the contact squares on the battery. Made sure everything was clean, shook the battery a little (gently) to make sure chemicals are at least a little better distributed in the batt, and put it back into the phone. VOILA! Phone turned on, battery showed at 50% full, and has worked since.
    07-23-09 09:35 AM
  8. LindseyGirl1's Avatar
    Well my battery situation was confusing. I think it was actually the charger. I had it plugged in for a long time and it went from "almost dead" to "completely dead"- black screen. I was kinda confused, so I plugged it in at 3 different electrical sockets. Didn't work. The flashing light flashed red a few times and eventually stopped.
    Then I tried a new battery. That didn't work either.
    Last, I tried a new charger. I plugged it in, it began to flash red several times and a picture of a battery with a blue lightening bolt through it appeared for a few minutes. I decided to let it charge, and when I came back, the phone was mysteriously ON and half way charged.
    Sometimes blackberries just have a way of confusing the heck out of me. I'm not sure what the problem was, and I don't know if I'm sure of what the solution was either...
    03-29-10 10:01 PM
  9. jaydac's Avatar
    This is not an answer to the question, not spam either, in case moderators worry, but I have this problem every day, removing the battery 2-3 times a day, finally got tired and just created a facebook page: "My blackberry gets stuck a @#$%^# times a day!"

    Search and Feel free to join and ps: if this is considered spam for any reason, it is not, it's just a support group
    03-30-10 12:14 AM
  10. Tammerz's Avatar
    This just happened to me last week and after ordering a brand NEW battery for my Curve 8330, it was still there. I read through the forum for other people who might have had this problem and believe it or not...it was mentioned to drop it on a hard surface from about 4ft. I was desperate I need my phone...been without it for a week!!! :S So I did this technique and low and behold the Blackberry went into reboot mode! I kept my skin on it to avoid damage to the case on the floor! But there you have it...the ol'skool technique of smack it still holds true!!!
    08-16-10 01:30 PM