1. Mister2's Avatar

    Love the BB Pearl - but sometimes wish I could rotate (or that the BB would automatically rotate) video image so that it would fill the screen.

    Any ideas?

    02-13-08 06:43 PM
  2. viperboy's Avatar
    Nope. Not that I've found. I pressed every button, and nothing.
    02-13-08 07:36 PM
  3. neilwick's Avatar
    You'd have to rotate it before copying it to the BlackBerry. Here's a free progam which I haven't tried: FREE Video & DVD Software: rotate or flip video files
    02-14-08 06:44 PM
  4. Mister2's Avatar
    Thanks for the link. Maybe the auto-rotate feature will be added sometime...

    I think my old Windowsmobile vs. 3 would do it automatically in media player - so it can't be that big of a deal.

    This program is a decent workaround for sure.

    Thanks again.
    02-15-08 12:24 PM
  5. bradytimes's Avatar
    Here's a command-line script that will rotate and resize all videos in a folder.

    Create a new batch file (e.g. C:/rotate.bat) containing the two lines below:

    mkdir blackberry
    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a-d-h-s') do "C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\mencoder.exe" "%%i" -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell:vbitrate=128:abitrate=128 -vf scale=320:-3,rotate=1 -o "blackberry\%%i"
    Run the batch from within the directory containing the files you want to convert. This will create a new folder called 'blackberry', which will contain the new videos.

    Here's an example:


    These videos look great on my Pearl 8220 (340x240 screen). If your phone has a different resolution, you should modify '320' to the resolution of your phone. If you don't want/require the rotation, just remove ',rotate=1'

    Note: This script requires MPlayer, which can be downloaded at mplayerhq[dot]hu. Installing it can be tricky. If any of you get it working, I'm sure the newbies would appreciate a follow-up post on how to do this.
    07-13-09 12:04 PM
  6. mjesenovec's Avatar
    wow. nice tip!
    07-16-09 05:23 PM