1. JazzyStahh's Avatar
    So I was really bored and I decided to add myself on my bbm, then I noticed that my Display Picture is still my old one. So I tried changing it again but nothing happened. Under my profile it shows up as changed but then nothing happens for my mates or me in my contact list. Am I doing something wrong?
    02-04-11 11:22 AM
  2. tornadoes's Avatar
    I had this kind of problem before, my profile pic dose not change also i can not see contact's pics and I was really annoyed, but after 3 weeks or less every thing goes normal, my profile pic changed and i become able to see contact's pic as well. I think it's a matter of network problem so ignore it and every thing will be normal again soon.
    02-04-11 12:10 PM
  3. Matrix Leader's Avatar
    What OS version are you on? I have an updated BBM but it is only compatible with OS 6
    02-04-11 12:21 PM
  4. Rootbrian's Avatar
    It is a common bug with BIS and BBM. Your display picture and your contacts will be blank, but will correct itself. No way of manually correcting it either, all you can do is wait it out.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    02-05-11 05:44 AM
  5. JazzyStahh's Avatar
    Guys most of you were right. I just waited and everything went back normal. Thanks again!
    02-07-11 07:01 AM
  6. Ra Shah's Avatar
    How long did you have to wait ?
    01-17-13 11:59 AM