1. katiepea's Avatar
    ok so i've played around with languages, adding, removing, and the only reason i've done so is to see which languages have which characters (mainly for BBM char fun) and i have this list of characters that obviously all show up on the computer but on bberry many show up as black boxes, and i have figured out that adding japanese and chinese (eastern asian) languages give some new but many such as: all the scissors, skull and crossbones, chess pieces etc, i cannot find what language adds these characters as visible, i'll go ahead and inclose the list here, if anyone knows what languages add what characters i think it'd be nice for us to have a compiled sheet instead of everyone just being like OMG ITS ALL JUST BLACK BOXES FOR ME.

    edit: i forgot to include the characters
    [  ] BlackBerry Logo
    [ � ] inverted exclamation mark
    [ � ] cent
    [ � ] pound
    [ � ] currency
    [ � ] yen
    [ € ] euro sign
    [ � ] broken vertical bar
    [ � ] section
    [ � ] spacing diaeresis
    [ � ] copyright
    [ � ] feminine ordinal indicator
    [ � ] left angle quotation mark
    [ � ] negation
    [ ] soft hyphen
    [ � ] registered trademark
    [ ™ ] trademark
    [ � ] spacing macron
    [ � ] degree - e.g. 45�
    [ � ] plus-or-minus
    [ � ] superscript 2
    [ � ] superscript 3
    [ � ] spacing acute
    [ � ] micro
    [ � ] paragraph
    [ � ] middle dot
    [ � ] spacing cedilla
    [ � ] superscript 1
    [ � ] masculine ordinal indicator
    [ � ] right angle quotation mark
    [ � ] fraction 1/4
    [ � ] fraction 1/2
    [ � ] fraction 3/4
    [ � ] inverted question mark
    [ � ] multiplication
    [ � ] division

    More Miscellaneous Symbols

    [ ℠ ] Service Mark
    [ ℃ ] Celsius
    [ ℅ ] care of
    [ ℉ ] Farenheit
    [ № ] numero symbol - number sign
    [ ℗ ] Sound Recording Copyright
    [ ℞ ] Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbol
    [ Ω ] Ohm
    [ ℧ ] Inverted Ohm
    [ ☀ ] sunshine - sun
    [ ☁ ] cloudy - cloud
    [ ☂ ] raining - rain
    [ ☃ ] snow - snowman
    [ ☄ ] comet
    [ ★ ] star solid
    [ ☆ ] star outline
    [ ☇ ] lightning
    [ ☈ ] thunderstorm
    [ ☉ ] sun
    [ ☊ ] ascending node
    [ ☋ ] descending node
    [ ☌ ] conjunction
    [ ☍ ] opposition
    [ ☎ ] phone number - phone service
    [ ☏ ] phone symbol outline
    [ ☐ ] check box - ballot box
    [ ☑ ] ballot box check mark
    [ ☒ ] ballot box with X
    [ ☓ ] Saltire - St. Andrew's Cross
    [ ☚ ] left-pointing index finger
    [ ☛ ] right-pointing index finger
    [ ☜ ] left-pointing index finger
    [ ☝ ] upwards pointing index finger
    [ ☞ ] right pointing index finger
    [ ☟ ] downwards pointing index finger
    [ ☠ ] skull & crossbones
    [ ☡ ] caution sign
    [ ☢ ] radioactive sign
    [ ☤ ] Caduceus or "Kerykeion"
    [ ☥ ] Ankh
    [ ☦ ] Eastern Christian Cross
    [ ☧ ] Chi Rho Cross
    [ ☨ ] Patriarchal Cross
    [ ☩ ] Greek Cross
    [ ☪ ] Crescent Moon & Star
    [ ☫ ] Farsi symbol
    [ ☬ ] Adi Shakti
    [ ☭ ] hammer & sickle
    [ ☮ ] peace sign
    [ ☯ ] yin & yang
    [ ☰ ] trigram Heaven
    [ ☱ ] trigram Lake
    [ ☲ ] trigram Fire
    [ ☳ ] trigram Thunder
    [ ☴ ] trigram Wind
    [ ☵ ] trigram Water
    [ ☶ ] trigram Mountain
    [ ☷ ] trigram Heaven
    [ ☸ ] Dharma Wheel
    [ ☹ ] frowning face
    [ ☺ ] smiley face
    [ ☻ ] black smiley face
    [ ◊ ] lozenge
    Letterlike Symbols

    [ ℘ ] script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
    [ ℑ ] blackletter capital I = imaginary part
    [ ℜ ] blackletter capital R = real part symbol
    [ ℵ ] alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
    [ ← ] leftwards arrow
    [ ↑ ] upwards arrow
    [ → ] rightwards arrow
    [ ↓ ] downwards arrow
    [ ↔ ] left right arrow
    [ ↵ ] downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
    [ ⇐ ] leftwards double arrow
    [ ⇑ ] upwards double arrow
    [ ⇒ ] rightwards double arrow
    [ ⇓ ] downwards double arrow
    [ ⇔ ] left right double arrow
    Celestial and Astrological Symbols

    [ ☽ ] waxing crescent moon
    [ ☾ ] waning crescent moon
    [ ☿ ] Mercury
    [ ♀ ] Venus - Female symbol
    [ ♁ ] Earth symbol
    [ ♂ ] Mars - Male symbol
    [ ♃ ] Jupiter
    [ ♄ ] Saturn
    [ ♅ ] Uranus
    [ ♆ ] Neptune
    [ ♇ ] Pluto
    [ ♈ ] Aries
    [ ♉ ] Taurus
    [ ♊ ] Gemini
    [ ♋ ] Cancer
    [ ♌ ] Leo
    [ ♍ ] Virgo
    [ ♎ ] Libra
    [ ♏ ] Scorpio
    [ ♐ ] Sagitarius
    [ ♑ ] Capricorn
    [ ♒ ] Aquarius
    [ ♓ ] Pisces

    [ ♔ ] White King
    [ ♕ ] White Queen
    [ ♖ ] White Rook
    [ ♗ ] White Bishop
    [ ♘ ] White Knight
    [ ♙ ] White Pawn
    [ ♚ ] Black King
    [ ♛ ] Black Queen
    [ ♜ ] Black Rook
    [ ♝ ] Black Bishop
    [ ♞ ] Black Knight
    [ ♟ ] Black Pawn
    [ ♠ ] black spade suit
    [ ♡ ] red heart suit
    [ ♢ ] red diamond suit
    [ ♣ ] black club suit = shamrock
    [ ♤ ] red spade suit
    [ ♥ ] black heart suit = valentine
    [ ♦ ] black diamond suit
    [ ♧ ] red club suit
    Musical Symbols

    [ ♩ ] musicalquarter note
    [ ♪ ] musical eighth note
    [ ♫ ] musical single bar note
    [ ♬ ] musical double bar note
    [ ♭ ] flat note
    [ ♮ ] natural note
    [ ♯ ] sharp note]

    [ ♨ ] hot springs
    [ ✁ ] cut above
    [ ✂ ] cut here
    [ ✃ ] cut below
    [ ✄ ] scissors]
    [ ✆ ] public pay phone
    [ ✇ ] film reel - tape spool
    [ ✈ ] airport jet airplane
    [ ✉ ] envelope mail email
    [ ✌ ] victory sign
    [ ✍ ] signature - sign here
    [ ✎ ] pencil diagonal down
    [ ✏ ] pencil
    [ ✐ ] pencil diagonal up
    [ ✓ ] check mark
    [ ✔ ] heavy check mark
    [ ✕ ] multiplication sign X
    [ ✖ ] heavy multiplication sign X
    [ ✗ ] ballot X
    [ ✘ ] heavy ballot X
    [ ✝ ] Latin Roman Cross
    [ ✞ ] Latin Cross 3D shadow
    [ ✟ ] Latin Cross outline
    [ ✠ ] Maltese Cross
    [ ✡ ] Star of David
    [ ❛ ] quotation mark single turned comma
    [ ❜ ] quotation mark single comma
    [ ❝ ] quotation mark double turned comma
    [ ❞ ] quotation mark double comma
    Celestial and Astrological Symbols

    [ ☽ ] waxing crescent moon
    [ ☾ ] waning crescent moon
    [ ☿ ] Mercury
    [ ♀ ] Venus - Female symbol
    [ ♁ ] Earth symbol
    [ ♂ ] Mars - Male symbol
    [ ♃ ] Jupiter
    [ ♄ ] Saturn
    [ ♅ ] Uranus
    [ ♆ ] Neptune
    [ ♇ ] Pluto
    [ ♈ ] Aries
    [ ♉ ] Taurus
    [ ♊ ] Gemini
    [ ♋ ] Cancer
    [ ♌ ] Leo
    [ ♍ ] Virgo
    [ ♎ ] Libra
    [ ♏ ] Scorpio
    [ ♐ ] Sagitarius
    [ ♑ ] Capricorn
    [ ♒ ] Aquarius
    [ ♓ ] Pisces
    Last edited by katiepea; 05-18-09 at 11:18 PM.
    05-18-09 11:13 PM
  2. savioAMG's Avatar
    For the receiving person, they need to have those languages installed as well, I believe or else they will see the black boxes, as described. You want Japanese Emoji, right?
    05-18-09 11:15 PM
  3. katiepea's Avatar
    i realize that the receiving party has to have it installed too, but this would mostly be for me and my gf whom i can also install whatever language for so that's not an issue for me, i was guessing it was probably a japanese pack yes!
    05-18-09 11:17 PM
  4. savioAMG's Avatar
    For the receiving person, they need to have those languages installed as well, I believe or else they will see the black boxes, as described. You want Japanese Emoji, right?
    This looks awfully familiar!
    05-18-09 11:50 PM
  5. LazyStarGazer's Avatar
    So the Japanese fonts were not included in the last O/S with "foreign language support"? Ive been trying to figure out why some of these symbols are not supported as well.
    05-18-09 11:55 PM
  6. LazyStarGazer's Avatar
    Wow. 633 characters waiting to be coded into Unicode. 99% of them in color.
    Much fancier than what were used to.

    Table for Working Draft Proposal for Encoding Emoji Symbols

    Emoji are pretty damn cool.
    05-19-09 12:06 AM
  7. katiepea's Avatar
    currently i have .266 installed on my bold (eastern asian language) version, which honestly seems to be killing my free memory, however only a handful of the symbols are supported, still not the ones i specifically mentioned above.
    05-19-09 12:15 AM
  8. maurojosed's Avatar
    i just want to get the hammer & sickle in my BBM
    07-22-09 11:38 PM