1. Lovewalk218's Avatar
    I added feeds and channels I wanted on viigo through the pc itself, and they said feed added successfully and I can see all the ones I added, however on the bb itself I dont see them. The only ones I see is the ones I added on the bb itself. Does anyone know how I can view all my feeds on the bb??
    02-01-08 10:13 AM
  2. Adam Zeis's Avatar
    geez you are posting all over the place huh. Make sure you entered your user info on Viigo on your BB as well - Options > Account
    02-01-08 10:19 AM
  3. Lovewalk218's Avatar
    sorry for the posts, but i was wondering if you post in a different thread will more people answer. but i refresh the account as you said and i still dont see the stuff i add thru the pc...
    02-01-08 10:26 AM
  4. MrPixar's Avatar
    Has viigo updated on your BB yet (all channel update)? I know that when you add feeds through the PC .... they won't show up until the BB updates (and I am not sure if it will fetch those new feeds' data on that same pass or waits for another update)
    02-01-08 11:14 AM
  5. LilUnique's Avatar
    Have you tried going to Options and Select "Update Channels"? Just a thought...it should work.
    02-01-08 11:21 AM
  6. Lovewalk218's Avatar

    Thanks so much!! I pressed update and got all the feeds i added!
    02-01-08 11:32 AM