1. bennygoodx's Avatar
    Help. Please. I can't figure this out.

    I have 4 emails on my bberry. When I invite people to calendar appts it always defaults to an email I'd rather it not use, but need to keep.

    Worse, when people from my other company (not default email) invite me, it shows up on my calendar, but not on the front page of my today theme.

    Surely there is a fix. I need them to show on my today theme. Thanks!
    07-08-08 01:55 PM
  2. oakie's Avatar
    when they send invites, they have to be to the address you're using to save dates on the calendar that shows on the today screen. as you well know, each inbox gets its own calendar... it's a matter of literally getting everyone on YOUR one calendar, even if it means redoing each appointment.

    i dont know if there's any other way... hope someone else can pipe up.
    07-08-08 02:01 PM
  3. Morenina's Avatar
    Options> advanced options> default services> click on the e-mai you want as default for calender stuff.

    In order for it to show on the theme, you need to move the icon by pressing menu on the icon and move it to where you want it to be.

    Sorry if this doesn't help.
    07-08-08 03:18 PM
  4. bennygoodx's Avatar
    It didn't do it.... Anyone else?
    07-08-08 06:16 PM
  5. bennygoodx's Avatar
    Nevermind. All I had to do was change themes and then back again. It reset the calendar in my today view. Thx
    07-08-08 06:24 PM