1. eBud#WP's Avatar
    Worked ok right up to the end, then session "timed out" and I was invited to call their help line. According to them,the BB browser won't work on their website due to an incompatibility with BB's security software and their site. Safari, MS and Firefox are OK, but not Opera and not the BB standard browser. Is there a change I can make to fix this incompatibilty?
    06-28-08 06:07 PM
  2. johnsoj2us's Avatar
    I'm able to use opera to view my chase account online. Try it again thru opera. I had to send an activation code to myself because chase did not recognize my settings but after that it was smooth sailing.
    06-29-08 02:49 PM
  3. yogi's Avatar
    Hi and welcome.
    06-29-08 03:01 PM