1. NeEthSkaNdaL's Avatar
    Few days I was transfering some videos on my BB and i transfer them sucessfully, but when I play them 1-2 times, and go out of Menu and go back to play them again , they are not there.. but my memory is smaller ( like they are there but i cant see them) .. does anybody have solution for this ?
    05-20-10 07:53 AM
  2. NeEthSkaNdaL's Avatar
    I got anwser on this .. I have to go on Menu and Video , then click Menu again and Explore .. there are all my videos, after that i have to copy everyone of them, and make "New Folder" and paste them there .. so all my videos will be again available to watch .. i hope this will help someone ..
    05-21-10 05:52 AM