1. Optimus_Prime's Avatar
    Hi all,

    Sorry for the stupid question, but this thing keep bugging me:

    How do I make the BB prompt me where to put this new #, instead of just automatically assign a blank/ new address book and "Work 1"?
    every time I try to add to address book, BB always assume a new input and assign a blank /new address book, and defaulted to "Work 1"

    On my old phone ( plain vanilla Phone) it always ask where I want to save it, whether to new input or to one of the "old input"

    11-20-07 11:34 AM
  2. Adrian's Avatar
    I have the same question. Hopefully someone can help!
    11-20-07 03:53 PM
  3. shakuyi's Avatar
    a blackberry is considered a business phone hence the reason it adds to a work number
    11-20-07 07:09 PM
  4. boxsetz's Avatar
    True True... We crackberry users are business folk lol
    11-25-07 11:42 AM
  5. Optimus_Prime's Avatar
    at least if it could only ask whether that number is a Brand new contact or part of existing contact will be nice.
    Not automatically assume a NEW CONTACT!
    11-25-07 02:40 PM
  6. aprylgem's Avatar
    Amen, Optimus Pride. That is such a pain. Just have the option to add to an existing contact.
    11-25-07 07:43 PM
  7. juwaack68's Avatar
    Isn't that what cut/paste is for?
    11-25-07 07:50 PM
  8. HoJo's Avatar
    I agree, i would like to see BB say would you like to add this to the existing contact or add new.
    11-25-07 08:17 PM