1. Kathryn's Avatar

    I've had a BSE Screen Protector on my 8300 Curve for a few months now; and every so often, I clean the screen, keyboard, & trackball with an alcohol prep wipe.

    Recently, I noticed a discoloration on my screen, just above the trackball; it looks like some sort of condensation fog under the screen, so I don't think it's got anything to do with the BSE. But it's been there for about a week, and it's driving me nuts! I can SEE it when I look at my screen!

    My question is: has anyone seen anything like this? And is there anything I can do about it to fix it, or do I need to learn to live with the Fog?
    08-25-08 05:46 PM
  2. Kathryn's Avatar
    08-26-08 12:11 PM