1. trudatlinda's Avatar
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the site and also a fairly new blackberry user. This past week was my first time traveling into a different time zone. Does anyone know how to get the phone to automatically adjust the time according to the time zone? Right now, I'm manually going into the Date/Time option and switching the zones from PST to EST. This may become annoying once I start traveling outside of the US with the various time zones.

    Thank you.
    03-10-08 06:14 AM
  2. chaz_cb's Avatar
    03-10-08 06:15 AM
  3. pecotim's Avatar
    I have my Blackberry Date/Time source set to "Network", and just below that setting is the network time. When I travel, that network time correctly shows me the local time, but my Blackberry will not adjust. I have read lots of threads about the logic, or lack thereof, Blackberry uses to not automatically change the time. But when the setting is to use network time, and the network time is correct for local time, why in the world would the device not use that local network time.

    Many users claim that it is no big deal to manually change the time, but a high tech device like this should easily be able to make the change, and still keep my calendar in sync.
    04-11-08 04:03 PM
  4. CrackBlack's Avatar
    Welcome to the Crack.
    The only reason I can think of is that Nobody at RIM has really taken the time to figure this out.
    04-11-08 04:15 PM
  5. lush242000's Avatar
    I have a idea as to why they didn't change it and it has to with certain types of business. I know in the freight/transport business all communication and times are distributed from the home office time no matter where you are. It takes a bit to get used to, but it's not that big of a deal. Think about a company like federal express. Do you think they always move the clock ahead or back a few hours? Nope, they just do a delta(t) and calculate when the package should arrive at it's destination based on the home office time. It is easier to keep track of since the sum total change of hours is the same regardless of time zone. It takes 4 hours to fly from coast to coast and that is a known fact. Anyway, I really have no idea if that was RIM's plan, but I have worked for companies that keep everyone on the same time.
    04-11-08 04:35 PM