1. Lovewalk218's Avatar
    Does anyone know how to move a picture from my memory card to the device memory? I was trying to copy the picture and move it but i dont see how to move it to the device memory.

    I have 8300 curve, with the new os 4.2.2 that was just posted.

    01-28-08 02:15 PM
  2. jpete3b's Avatar
    When you have the picture you want to move highilighted, select the menu key. Then you would want to choose Move and identify where you want to move that paricular picture. Hope that helps.
    01-28-08 02:19 PM
  3. jsanders's Avatar
    I either open the picture or hover my cursor over it, and press Menu to Move, and navigate to where it needs to go
    01-28-08 02:21 PM
  4. Lovewalk218's Avatar
    I did it!! thanks you guys!
    01-28-08 02:29 PM