1. leftypepper716's Avatar
    If RIM releases the Bold 9930 in September/October on Sprint, they'll be no swarms of buyers, by then Sprint may have the iphone 4S already out, and Sprint getting the iphone 4S will definatly kill Bold 9930 sales. I understand manufacturing delays have pushed the Bold 9900/9930 release date back, but man, if they can't get this device out before the iphone 4S is released (on ALL 4 major carriers) RIM is going to be in a world of hurt.
    05-29-11 12:54 PM
  2. michael.molloy1985's Avatar
    If the iphone 4s came out first I'd probly try it for 30 days.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    05-29-11 01:40 PM
  3. michael.molloy1985's Avatar
    If the iphone 4s came out first I'd probly try it for 30 days.
    Then I'd get the evo 3d if the bold wasn't out yet.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    05-29-11 01:41 PM
  4. Zach7's Avatar
    Would you guys go on your lunch hour from work to the phone store to buy the new Bold? I might but probably won't "work" for the rest of that day....

    Also I wonder if there will be swarms of buyers at the store like on the Storm 1 release day, or night!

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    I would go during lunch, don't know about overnight camping for it???
    05-29-11 05:08 PM
  5. siausin's Avatar
    If RIM releases the Bold 9930 in September/October on Sprint, they'll be no swarms of buyers, by then Sprint may have the iphone 4S already out, and Sprint getting the iphone 4S will definatly kill Bold 9930 sales. I understand manufacturing delays have pushed the Bold 9900/9930 release date back, but man, if they can't get this device out before the iphone 4S is released (on ALL 4 major carriers) RIM is going to be in a world of hurt.
    Why there are people who always think the world is either A or B or C? We are each different enough to like different things. We are not living in an apple only world. Have a life!

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    Jo5329 likes this.
    05-29-11 09:50 PM
  6. leftypepper716's Avatar
    I do have a life, and I love how Kevin is constantly saying that these forums are getting to nasty, and there is an example "Have A Life!" Just because I'm having an opinion, and its not always APPLE, but for Sprint users and T-MO users, who've wanted at least an oppertunity to get an iphone without having to get bad reception from at&t or paying more money for Verizon, now is there chance. If you really don't think iphone coming to Sprint will kill off sales of not only BlackBerry, but Droids as well, then I'm sure by November or December when sales numbers arrive, I'll be proven right. Just because we have BlackBerrys right now and want a Bold 9930 asap, doesn't change what a majority of consumers buy, and lately in NA, it as not been a BlackBerry...numbers don't lie, sorry.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    05-30-11 05:46 AM
  7. palomartian's Avatar
    Where I'm at ATT service kicks TMo, VZW, an Sprint right in the taco. Drop a lot of calls sure, but at least I can make one just about anywhere. VZW has more dead spots than a leper, and their attitude is at least as bad as ATT's if as much is possible. You are right about the iPhone taking sales from BB though. BB got a huge bump up when the iPhone first came out. Rational people tried the iPhone to see what the big deal was, picked up a BB for comparison, instantly recognized the overwhelming superiority of the BB interface, and bought one. Those days are over. The next iPhone will sell more units to repeat customers in the first hour than BB will sell all year. There are still some rational people left in the world, but so few it would be suicidal marketing to target them.
    05-30-11 09:48 AM
  8. leftypepper716's Avatar
    Not only repeat customers, but BB users that are with Sprint & T-Mo who have never had the chance at an iphone (unless they switched to At&t or Verizon) NOW have a distinct choice in iphone4S, latest Android or by? October? Bold 9930, many people I've known two years ago have stayed with Sprint, but switched from a BB to an Evo or Samsung in droves, and why? like Howard Stern has said (he had a Bold) "they got boring" I commend RIM FINALLY waking up and getting a solid device out, but in September? maybe October? we'll see...but again, numbers don't lie.
    05-30-11 10:37 AM
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