1. suz458's Avatar
    Does anyone know of a heart rate calculator program? I use Endomondo so I don't need a pricey program to do a lot of tracking, but I would like to check my heart rate while I am walking.

    09-16-10 01:02 PM
  2. bad_boy321's Avatar
    I don't see how it would be accurate. I exercise daily with the military and the only true way is the periodic pulse check. Count the beats for 6 seconds and multiply by 10. thats your heart rate. Are you talking about a scale to determine what your peaks are for 65% and 80% as with the AHA guidelines?
    09-16-10 01:33 PM
  3. suz458's Avatar
    I was hoping for something that would time 6 seconds and beep so that I could easily count off the beats. I know where my rate needs to be, but when I am walking outside, it is not always the easiest to pull up the stopwatch on my phone and start and stop it. - I didn't know if there was anything out there to make it easier.
    09-16-10 03:51 PM