1. sotypical's Avatar

    Been using it for 3 hours and already at less then 50% battery life. Thank goodness I had a USB cable at work.

    Are there after market batteries that are worth it?

    Also, what's with the data connection? Is 3G just terrible? I never have this many data fails on the my blackberry... Is there something I need to do to make it better?

    Does this phone need a good old fashioned battery pull? Or does that work on this?

    Otherwise I am enjoying a change from my blackberry, but it wont be long until its back in my pocket if this keeps up.
    01-29-10 11:34 AM
  2. CB-BBuser's Avatar
    Not sure about the data issues you're having, but with the battery, it's best to let it die completely and then fully charge the battery with the phone off the whole time. That should help the life of the battery. You really should do that about once a week.
    01-29-10 12:33 PM
  3. sotypical's Avatar
    I found forcing the phone to be in 2G makes the data work a lot better.

    And thanks for the charging tip! Just not used to such a short battery life compared to my blackberry! haha
    01-29-10 12:36 PM
  4. CB-BBuser's Avatar
    It will get better. It's a new device and it needs to die completely before a full charge.
    01-29-10 12:46 PM