1. smod22bmx's Avatar
    For the not super busy, on the go, executive type person I would like an easily sync'd calendar that I can have on my desktop on my pc, that would sync up with my Blackberry seamlessly.

    Anyone else interested in a 3rd party calendar option that isn't Gmail, or Outlook, or Web based?

    A nice 3rd party icon on my desktop that is easily viewed and clearly viewed as far as appointments and such, that again can easily sync to my Blackberry is long overdue. Am I just missing it? Anyone know of such a program?
    11-16-09 12:34 PM
  2. MobileMadness002's Avatar
    What are you looking for? Palms Desktop for your BB. Have my doubts that will ever happen. Doesn't hurt to dream though.
    11-16-09 01:58 PM
  3. smod22bmx's Avatar
    Yes something similar. Just a 3rd party program that I can have an icon on my desktop to get to, type in whatever appointments or info I need on the calendar, and can even designate whethere it's professional or personal, and then just sync it up to my BB, and be on my way. RIM shouldn't even let a 3rd party create such a program, they should have in standard in their Desktop Manager program. That would work best since my phone is usally plugged in via data cable every time I open Desktop Manager anyways.

    Win win.
    11-16-09 04:30 PM