1. Cam18e's Avatar
    Hi there, i have just moved our exchange and BES server to a new office and have a new IP and none of my Blackberry's are able to receive email...

    Is there something i have to change or update?!

    02-23-09 04:09 PM
  2. cexshun's Avatar
    Ip will not effect anything. BES initiates an outgoing connection to RIM. Somethings to check.

    With the new IP, is the firewall routing properly?
    During the move, did you have a backup BES online for any reason? 2 BES with the same SRP ID online will cause RIM to disable the account.
    Did you restart the server several times in a row? If a BES loses and reinitiates connection with RIM 5 times in 1 minute, RIM will disable the BES.

    You're paying good money for a BES, call RIM support. See what's up.
    02-24-09 09:27 AM
  3. Rh1noo's Avatar
    If you have moved the BES server without making any changes to the server apart from the IP address then the problem is probably the firewall rule.

    If you open the Blackberry Server Configuration control panel and click on the routing tab there is test connection button. Does this work? If not then you need to create a new firewall rule that allows the BES bi-directional internet access on por 3101.
    02-24-09 02:35 PM