1. 8320_23's Avatar
    Hi I just recently got a Blackberry 8320 curve. I recently came from a Windows mobile phone the htc wing. With that phone I was able to change from roms to new htc windows phone roms. I was wondering is the blackberry the same? Can anyone please help me answer this question? Thanks.
    11-12-10 05:17 PM
  2. bbicons's Avatar
    The roms on your previous devices are equivalent to leaked versions and hybrid versions of the blackberry OS. You can find many updates/hybrids/and leaked versions here on cb. However the windows roms will not run on your blackberry. I think that's the answer to what you were asking
    11-12-10 07:06 PM
  3. pkcable's Avatar
    Welcome 8320-23! Actually I think what he means is what we call themes. Themes change the look and feel and functionaility (in a limited way) of your device. We have a BB Themes Forum you can check out for more info. Many are free, but some you have to pay for.
    11-15-10 02:19 PM
  4. Fit24's Avatar
    Welcome to Blackberry 8320-23! My previous device was also Windows Mobile. If interpret your question correctly, the BB OS hybrids and leaked OS are the equivalent of loading your Windows Mobile with a hybrid or leaked ROM or OS.
    11-15-10 08:23 PM
  5. 8320_23's Avatar
    I was wondering by changine the OS of my BB, does this give my internet browser a better version? Also can I use different BB OS for my device, For example, can I use a BB 9700 Os for my BB 8320? thanks.
    11-16-10 05:26 PM