1. snazzy1's Avatar
    Q: for a BES Admin: Are actual transcripts of my Yahoo Messenger chats routinely logged by my corporate BES admin? Or can they just be "monitored" (perhaps viewed live??) if they happen to see a chat going on?

    Some of you BES ITs are saying that you can/do actually log transcripts of everything including IM chats in 3rd party apps like Yahoo IM (Messenger), while others say you can only "monitor" use--as in "You know I'm accessing Yahoo Messenger and when, but you don't know what I'm actually saying."

    C'mon, you guys are holding your cards pretty tight to your chest on this one! Anyone willing to give up the real story? Do you see stored logs of Yahoo Messenger IMs or not?

    Thank you!
    07-09-09 05:46 PM