1. o CUBBY o's Avatar
    Yesterday I took off the VZ Navigator from my plan (I never ordered it so I was able to be credited). My question is....Does that take away any use of the GPS on the phone. Apps like Weather Bug and Poynt access the GPS for your location and I was wondering if I will be charged per use for those programs?
    04-23-09 03:41 PM
  2. soulesschild's Avatar
    Yesterday I took off the VZ Navigator from my plan (I never ordered it so I was able to be credited). My question is....Does that take away any use of the GPS on the phone. Apps like Weather Bug and Poynt access the GPS for your location and I was wondering if I will be charged per use for those programs?
    no ten chars
    04-23-09 03:42 PM
  3. o CUBBY o's Avatar
    no ten chars
    04-23-09 03:47 PM
  4. buxleyp's Avatar
    no = you don't need VZ navigator to use the GPS on the Storm, and you won't be charged for GPS usage outside of VZ navigator

    ten chars = he needed more than ten characters in his post.
    04-23-09 04:05 PM