1. bturnerjr's Avatar
    I am not sure how to get BB Maps to actually work. I went in and switched to GPS Services to "location on". In BBmaps the GPS search comes on but never locks. I purposely did not sign up for VZ Nav. Any thoughts.
    11-28-08 03:19 PM
  2. Clover86's Avatar
    Are you outside? If you're not then you need to be. Thats how satellites work, just give it some time to get a signal.
    11-28-08 03:25 PM
  3. moni19's Avatar
    When I first used BB maps, I had issues with getting a satellite connection. but, now i have no issues using it...even when I'm inside my house or job I can get a satellite lock. I have no idea how it happened, but it works great now. Love it
    11-28-08 03:28 PM
  4. bturnerjr's Avatar
    Outside in the cold (35 degrees) for 30 minutes. No luck. I am use to the older BB that you can go into to GPS setting in the advanced menu and see more info than what the Storm has.
    11-28-08 03:56 PM