1. DJ Reyes's Avatar
    I'm trying to package my app through Ripple but I keep getting this error:

    "Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: /bin/sh: /Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK Not a directory"

    Anyone have any suggestions?
    05-05-12 08:22 AM
  2. thegdz's Avatar

    Copy the whole content of "/Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK" into a "bbwp" folder. You may have "/Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK" folder containing the initial content of "/Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK"...
    05-07-12 08:20 AM
  3. DJ Reyes's Avatar
    Thanks, that would have made sense. However, now it's thrown up another error, this time:

    "Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: [ERROR] Invalid command line parameters bbwp version Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Research In Motion http://www.blackberry.com/developers/webworkssdk/ bbwp [drive:][path]archive [-s [dir]] [-g [password]] [-o dir] archive Specifies the .zip file to compile -s Save source. The default behaviour is to not save the source files. If dir is specified then creates dir\src\ directory structure. If no dir specified then the path of archive is assumed -g Sign the .cod file after compilation using password. If both -g and password are not present then the .cod will not be signed. If -g is present and password is not, Signature Tool will prompt for entering password -o Redirects output file location to dir (.cod, .alx, .jad). If both -o and dir are not specified then the path of archive is assumed -v Turn on verbose messages -d Enables Web Inspector on 7.0+ OS -h Display this usage information"

    Any ideas on that one??
    05-07-12 02:04 PM
  4. DJ Reyes's Avatar
    I have figured out the problem. I was point to the wrong SDK all along. I was pointing it to the device webworks SDK as opposed to the TabletOS SDK.

    All fix now.... app is currently being packaged.
    05-08-12 09:07 AM
  5. DJ Reyes's Avatar
    Ok, so after fixing that problem, I'm now frustrated with another one. I can package the app no problem, producing .zip and .bar files, however it won't package and sign.

    I get this error when I try:

    "Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: [ERROR] Signing failed Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.rim.net/Websigner/servlet/RDK-Waterloo"

    So, since I had the packaged app, I thought I'd try and sign it through command line, however it doesn't seem to like my password as it throws an error taking 5 characters from my password, saying "event not found". I have an alpha-numeric password.

    This problem has been plaguing me all day, I just want to sign my app already.

    I even tried using the Graphical Aid but it keeps telling me the SDK path is wrong. I can't win today

    Any ideas?
    05-08-12 07:06 PM