1. anw1652's Avatar
    I did the above two things, with the above result. Some details:

    1. Added another project to my workspace.
    2. Decided that 4.5 OS was so old that there's no sense continuing to try to build for it (anyone has any different insight on this, I'd like to hear that, too, but it's OT right now).
    3. Went through all four projects in my workspace & changed them all to put 4.6.1 on the build path and made sure the compliance level (whatever that is) was set to 1.3.

    Ever since (this was a couple of "work sessions" ago; this isn't my full time job), I get a preverifier failure message when I try to load the app on the simulator.

    Yet more details here as well:

    1. Here's the first error:
    Packaging project Utilities
    R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.6.1 _4.6.1.49\components\bin\rapc.exe -convertpng -nomain -quiet library=deliverables\Standard\4.6.1\Utilities deliverables\Standard\4.6.1\Utilities.rapc -sourceroot=R:\workspace\Utilities\src;R:\workspace \Utilities\res;R:\workspace\Utilities -import=R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpa ck4.6.1_4.6.1.49\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar R:\workspace\Utilities\deliverables\Web\4.6.0\Util ities.jad R:\workspace\Utilities\deliverables\Standard\4.6.0 \Utilities.jad R:\workspace\Utilities\bin\deliverables\Web\4.6.0\ Utilities.jad R:\workspace\Utilities\bin\deliverables\Standard\4 .6.0\Utilities.jad R:\workspace\Utilities\bin
    JAR file creation failed with error -1
    The preverified classes if any are in tmp16804. See jar log of errors in E:\Users\anw\AppData\Local\Temp\rapc_5d0a4cce.dir\ jarlog.txt
    Error!: Error: preverifier failed: R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.6.1 _4.6.1.49\components\bin\preverify.exe -d E:\Users\ ...
    Packaging project Utilities failed (took 0.197 seconds)
    One of the more frustrating elements of this is that these error messages give one absolutely no clue as to what happened, and, the statement "The preverified classes if any are in tmp16804. See jar log of errors in E:\Users\anw\AppData\Local\Temp\rapc_5d0a4cce.dir\ jarlog.txt" notwithstanding, I can not find either this file or directory anywhere on my computer.

    That is the first error reported, and the project "Utilities" is the one I just added as a library.

    2. The second error:
    R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.6.1 _4.6.1.49\components\bin\rapc.exe -convertpng -quiet codename=deliverables\Standard\4.6.1\SlickSwitch deliverables\Standard\4.6.1\SlickSwitch.rapc -sourceroot=R:\workspace\SlickSwitch\src;R:\workspa ce\SlickSwitch\res -import=R:\workspace\Rolodex\deliverables\Standard\ 4.6.1\Rolodex.jar;R:\workspace\UI\deliverables\Sta ndard\4.6.1\UI.jar;R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde .componentpack4.6.1_4.6.1.49\components\lib\net_ri m_api.jar;R:\workspace\Utilities\deliverables\Stan dard\4.6.1\Utilities.jar R:\workspace\SlickSwitch\bin
    Error preverifying class net.infoisland.SlickSwitch.SlickInit
    java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: net/infoisland/Rolodex/Rolodex$ContactRequestor
    Error!: Error: preverifier failed: R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.6.1 _4.6.1.49\components\bin\preverify.exe -d E:\Users\ ...
    Packaging project SlickSwitch failed (took 0.147 seconds)
    "ContactRequestor" is an interface in the package in question and is implemented in by other classes in other packages in the app, so why it can't find it I don't know. The package where this interface is defined (package and class named "Rolodex") is one that is "preverified" with no errors.

    Yet more info: Two of the projects are failing (it appears; they have the little read "X"'s by them in the navigation pane). I have several deliverables directories in the different projects and they are not necessarily the same; under three of the projects there are 4.5.0, 4.6.0, and 4.6.1; under the other project there are only 4.5.0 and 4.6.1. However, the "Utilities" project I just added has all three, and there is a file called "Utilities.err" in 4.5.0 and 4.6.1 of the deliverables directories that has this (really informative) line in it:
    Error!: Error: preverifier failed: R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.5.0 _4.5.0.28\components\bin\preverify.exe -d E:\Users\ ...
    The top level app has a "Rolodex.err" file ("Rolodex" is another project/package/class) that has this error:
    R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.6.0 _4.6.0.23\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar(net_rim_b b_addressbook.cod): Error!: Duplicate definition for 'net.rim.device.apps.api.addressbook.AddressBook' found in: R:\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack4.5.0 _4.5.0.28\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar(net_rim_b b_addressbook.cod)
    This only appears in the 4.5.0 deliverable directory, and I have no idea where the IDE is continuing to pick up 4.5.0 stuff, either to produce duplicate definitions or to continue to add 4.5.0 deliverable directories.

    06-24-11 10:00 AM
  2. anw1652's Avatar
    With the lack of information about the error, I'm not sure if this is what fixed it, but I noticed the OS in the simulator I was using was 4.6.0 and I was compiling with the 4.6.1 JRE; I made the JRE 4.6.0, and it's now working.
    06-24-11 01:09 PM