1. Andvekur's Avatar
    Hi, I'm new to these forums and also new to writing applications. I'd like to make an app for personal use and have some questions. I'm learning Spanish right now and I'd like to make a relatively simple app to store store words I don't know in a flashcard-like format.

    I basically want to be able to go from one screen to the next in the program, displaying a different word each time I click a button. Maybe a "bookmarking" feature would be nice to have, too.

    I just started learning Java for this. My main question is, how am I supposed to organize all these different Spanish words in the application? I would imagine that flipping through these flashcards will be the same as going from one screen to the next in a stack. Am I going to need a .java file for every flashcard in this case?

    I was just wondering if this is going to be a messy endeavor, organization-wise and size-wise. Though I plan to use just plain text for this app, since I'd like to make it for myself.

    10-10-10 08:29 PM
  2. itsal's Avatar
    you may want to look into using the BB web developement environment. This will allow you to use eclypse with the BB plugin. The developement is done mostly in HTML with a number of BB APIs.
    10-19-10 09:56 PM
  3. AmigaDude's Avatar
    Start with the Java tutorials at Sun.com, and elsewhere, and come back to the BB after you learn some basic programming. Otherwise you are just taking on way too much.

    Good luck!
    10-23-10 09:14 AM
  4. anon(1603170)'s Avatar
    You would store the words in arrays "wordArray", then have an output template. For each word in the array, you would have to call the output class which contains the "flashcard template".
    To display another word every time you click a button, you would have to output the following word (array index increase) in the wordArray array.
    You would have to create another array for the bookmarks "bookmarkArray", the bookmark button would just copy the word from wordArray to bookmarkArray, then another button for outputting each word in bookmarkArray array using the output class. Then another template for showing a list of the bookmarked words, which loops through the bookmarkArray.
    You either need to make the array size flexible (expand or shrink) manually or... i think the arraylist class can do that for you. Or just set a fixed size for the array and have as many words as the array size.

    Some sort of crap like that...
    Last edited by gbsn; 10-30-10 at 06:03 AM.
    10-30-10 06:00 AM