1. jbfickler's Avatar
    I have many different ringtones created for different people. This all works great. I recently created a custom profile for my work enviornment where everything would be at 2-3 volume and a generic ringer (Alarm Antalope). When some I DO NOT have a custom ringer for, it does what I want it to do (alarm antalope). But if my girlfriend calls me, ludacris-whats ur fantasy plays!

    Is there anyway to change on the tour this where you can turn off contact alerts for a custom setting?

    I hope I said this correctly...

    09-10-09 08:51 AM
  2. driphter's Avatar
    basically you did everything right. I was reading somewhere recently that someone else was having the same issue. It might just be a bug in the os.

    I don't assign contact specific ringtones so I don't have this issue, but I can see how it would be frustrating. At the moment, you may have to just wait until the next vzw os release or you could just go hybrid for now. That may be your only solution right now.
    09-10-09 08:58 AM