1. mouse562's Avatar
    I have recently starting looking for thing with my web browser. I can find the pages no problem but anytime I clink a link on the site the phone just zooms in on the button rather than "clicking" it. Any solutions? I'm sure it's an easy one an I'm just a dork
    02-24-10 03:16 PM
  2. valorian's Avatar
    When trying to activate a link using the BB browser, make sure the link is hightlighted blue before you click. What I do is just touch the link, this should hightlight it blue then press down to click.
    02-24-10 03:31 PM
  3. JRSCCivic98's Avatar
    Some sites won't work properly in the Blackberry browser no matter what. For advanced sites the act of clicking a button or link won't work as it should and inturn will get you just a zoom-in. Nothing you can do but use another more advanced browser then what's native to ALL Blackberries currently. Sorry.
    02-24-10 04:04 PM