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    BlackBerry Application Center Details:

    Confirmed details:
    The Application Center is carrier run and managed
    Carriers will decide which application will be available on devices
    These applications will be available for download on the device only
    Carriers deal with billing themselves (not PayPal)
    Unconfirmed details:
    Bold & Storm may be the only supported devices at launch (via IntoMobile)
    BlackBerry Bold and Storm Only Ones to Get Application Center at Launch?

    BlackBerry Application Storefront Details:

    Confirmed details:
    Application storefront will be run by RIM
    This application storefront will have an on device AND a web presence (not sure if that means an application)
    RIM will choose which applications will be in the Storefront based on developer submissions
    Billing at launch will be only through PayPal with other channels to com
    Business AND customer focused applications should be accepted as long as they do not require customization and integration services.
    Applications must adhere to the Application Storefront Vendor Guidelines

    Other details (credit goes out to CNet)
    Developers will get 80% of sale
    20% of sale will go to PayPal/Carriers/RIM in an undisclosed breakdown.
    Applications using �Excessive bandwidth� will not be accepted (SlingPlayer?)
    Free trials will be available (Take that Apple)
    A rating system will be available but not sure about reviews�

    Source Article: FAQ: BlackBerry Application Center vs. Application Storefront Confirmed & Explained | BerryReview.com �
    02-10-09 09:40 AM