1. UNC Cheryl's Avatar

    My first time posting here on the Forum. Quick back history: Had the Red Curve 8310 and loved it. Had Messenger running fine - sometimes took a day or so to add a contact but it worked. Red Curve crashed while uploading system 4.5 and service provider said that it was dead and I had to buy a new Curve. Luckily, had just synched before the update and was able to move everything over to new Curve, with the system 4.5

    Currently: I have tried everything, that I know of to add my old contacts back to Messenger without any success. I have tried the Add a Contact request by name, email and PIN and either the friend does not get the request or the request shows up without a place or llnk to click on. And it has been 4 or 5 days since I first started trying to add friends back.

    I uninstalled Messenger, downloaded 4.5 system again and installed the Messenger again twice with no luck.

    Am I missing something? I have a group of about 5 Blackberry friends who are also baffled, and we are unable to Messenger each other. Not all are on Curve phones and not all use the same provider.

    Why is Messenger being so difficult? Any help or suggestions really appreciated!

    Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated!
    06-03-09 09:08 AM