1. Vijik's Avatar
    This thread is created to address many requests from ShortcutMe users who have asked for having a list showing available macros in ShortcutMe.

    The list and this thread will be completed over time.

    About Macros:

    - Macro names are case insensitive. You can enter them in ShortcutMe directly or you can open MacroEditor and pick macros from the list or menu.

    - Any shortcut in ShortcutMe can have macros in it.

    - A macro shortcut launches what the shortcut is set to launch and then executes all the macros specified in it.

    - Macro shortcuts can be launched like any other shortcut in ShortcutMe by:

    1- Multiple clicking a convenience key
    2- Multiple clicking the Space key
    3- Entering its shortcut keys in ShortcutMe
    4- Directly clicking on the shortcut list in ShortcutMe
    5- Stroke on virtual keypad (for BB models with touch screen)
    6- Selecting it from the BB Menu from any other app/screen (Custom System Menu feature in ShortcutMe)
    7- Automatic Launch at a specific time of a day in a week (Scheduled Launching feature in ShortcutMe)
    8- Directly hitting a hot key in BB Home Screen (If you have MyOwnIcons application)
    9- Directly hitting an icon on BB Home Screen (If you have MyOwnIcons application)
    10- Multiple clicking a media key (If you have MedieKeyBooster application)
    Last edited by Vijik; 04-29-12 at 07:20 AM.
    08-10-11 10:15 PM
  2. Vijik's Avatar
    Macros for Simulating Key Clicks

    ALTPlusClick (Simulates ALT + navigation click)

    ALTPlusKey (Simulates ALT + key click)
    Example: (opens the Engineering Screen):

    BACKSPACEKey (Simulates backspace key click)

    CONVLKey (Simulates left convenience key click)

    CONVRKey (Simulates right convenience key click)

    DELKey (Simulates Del key click)

    ENDKey (Simulates END key, the red phone button, click)

    ENTERKey (Simulates ENTER key click)

    ESCKey (Simulates ESC key click)

    Key (Simulates key clicks)
    Example (enter Hello World! in a text field)
    KeyHello World!

    KeypadLockKey (Simulates Lock key clicks to lock the keypad)

    SPKey (Simulates a special key click)
    Example (Enter C in BB Home Screen)

    PasswordKey (Simulate key clicks for password fields)
    Note: After entering pass word in clear text, hit BB menu and select 'Encrypt Passwords' from menu to encrypt the password.

    MENUKey (Simulates BlackBerry/Menu Key click)

    MUTEKey (Simulates Mute Key click)

    NavClick (Simulate trackball/touchpad/touchscreen click)

    SENDKey (Simulates click of the SEND key, the Green phone button)

    SHIFTPlusClick (Simulates SHIFT + navigation click)

    SHIFTPlusKey (Simulates SHIFT + key click)

    SPACEKey (Simulates SPACE key click)

    SYMBOLKey (Simulates the Symbol key click)

    VOLDOWNKey (Simulates Volume-Down key click)

    VOLUPKey (Simulates Volume-Up key click)

    Macros for Navigation\Cursor Movements

    MenuItemFromTop (Simulates enough nav. simulation until item x from top is selected)
    Example (Highlight second item from top):

    MenuItemFromBottom (Simulates enough nav. simulation until item x from bottom is selected)
    Example (Highlight second item from bottom):

    NavMoveDown (Moves the cursor down x times)
    Example (Move cursor 2 items down):

    NavMoveUp (Moves the cursor up x times)
    Example (Move cursor 2 items up):

    NavMoveLeft (Moves the cursor left x times)
    Example (Move cursor twice to the left):

    NavMoveRight (Moves the cursor right x times)
    Example (Move cursor twice to the right):

    NavMovePlusAltOn (Holds down the ALT key when a NavMoveXXX macro is executed after this macro)

    NavMovePlusNothing (No key is hold down when a NavMoveXXX macro is executed after this macro)

    NavMovePlusShiftOn (Holds down the SHIFT key when a NavMoveXXX macro is executed after this macro)
    Last edited by Vijik; 04-29-12 at 07:40 AM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:15 PM
  3. Vijik's Avatar
    Functional Macros

    Call (Calls a number)
    Call 1416;

    Launch (Launches an application)
    Launch Options;

    LaunchAndWait (Launches an application and waits for it to come to foreground)
    LaunchAndWait Manage Connections;

    LaunchModule (Launches a module)
    LaunchModule net_rim_bb_clock;

    LaunchModuleAndWait (Launches a module and waits for it to come to foreground)
    LaunchModuleAndWait net_rim_bb_clock;

    Last edited by Vijik; 04-29-12 at 07:26 AM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:16 PM
  4. Vijik's Avatar
    Macros to Control Macro Execution

    Delay (Waist for x number of mSeconds)
    Example: (Wait for 1 seconds)

    InjectDelay (Sets the value for # of mili seconds delay between key injections)

    Prompt (Interrupts macros, shows a message to user, doesn't run any more macros until ShortcutMe is launched again (Conv key click, or other methods)
    Prompt Is the correct menu item highlighted?;

    Stop (Stops executing any more macros in the shortcut)
    Note: Use 'Stop' when you are testing your macros. Put it before NavClick and EnterKey or other macros that get BB to do something

    Suspend (Same as Prompt macro above except that it doesn't show any message)

    Last edited by Vijik; 08-10-11 at 10:59 PM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:17 PM
  5. Vijik's Avatar
    Macros for Interaction with BB ClipBoard

    ClipboardPaste (Enters the string representing the clipboard in a text field). Depricated!

    ClipboradText (Imports the text from the Clipboard into the macros before trying to execute it)
    Example: (If BB clipboard has "Opptions", the following macro will launch BB Options
    Launch ClipboardText;

    GetCB (Returns the text stored in the BB's Clipboard)

    PasteFromCB (Enters a text saved in clipboard into a text field)

    ToCB (fills the BB clipboard with a text)

    HighlightedTextToCB (If a text is highlighted this macro will copy the highlighted text into the BB clipboard)

    IsCBEmpty (Returns TRUE if ClipBoard is empty)

    Last edited by Vijik; 08-11-12 at 08:51 AM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:18 PM
  6. Vijik's Avatar
    Macros to Set and Manipulate Variables

    Dec (Decrements the value of a variable. The variable must be set before)
    Set $Counter=2; Dec $Counter;

    Div (Sets $$Result variable to A/B, and $$Rest to A%B).
    Div 5, 3; Show Result=$$Result, Rest=$$Rest; (Shows Result=1, Rest=2)

    Inc (Increments the value of a variable. The variable must be set before)
    Set $Counter=2; Inc $Counter;

    Input (Asks you to enter a text that can be used later on by the macros)
    Example 1:
    Input $Var1; (will ask "Enter value for $Var1" and set $Var1 to the answer entered)

    Example 2:
    Input $Var1, Please enter how many minutes later; (Will ask "Please enter how many minutes later" and set $Var1 to the answer entered)

    Example 3:
    .... /*Bring up Compose SMS*/
    Key Hi,; /*Enters Hi, for the SMS*/
    Input $var1, Please enter the text you want to add to SMS; /*ShortcutMe will ask you "Please enter the text you want to add to SMS" and whatever you enter is not set in $var1*/
    Key$var1; /*Your answer to the Input macro above will be entered in the SMS message*/

    Inputs (Asks you to enter a text for several variables that can be used later on by the macros)
    Inputs $Var1,Please enter value for $Var1, $Var2, Please enter value for $Var2, ... ; (up to 20 variables)

    Mult (Sets $$Result variable to the multiplication of two numbers).
    Mult 5, 3; Show $$Result; (Shows 15)

    Set (Creates and sets a parameters. Anywhere in the macros where that parameter name is writen, it will be replaced with the variable value)
    Set $Counter=2;
    Set $Counter= $Counter + 3;
    Set $Var1= 23 + $Var2 * 2 / 4;
    Set $Var3=This+ is +example +32; /*If first parameter is text, everything else is handled as text. Only + is working on text. */

    Sub (Sets $$Result variable to a subtraction of two numbers).
    Sub 5, 3; Show $$Result; (Shows 2)

    Sum (Sets $$Result variable to the sum of two numbers).
    Sum 5, 3; Show $$Result; (Shows 8)

    Last edited by Vijik; 08-12-12 at 10:14 PM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:18 PM
  7. Vijik's Avatar
    Flow Control Macros

    Note about IF-Sentence: If the statement in front of 'IfX' is true, the macros between 'ThenX' and 'ElseX' (or 'EndIfX' if 'ElseX' is not found) are executed

    If (IF-sentence)
    If9 $counter > 2; Then9; .. ; Else9; ... ;EndIf9;

    Then (THEN for an IF-sentence)
    If3 $counter == 3; Then3; .. ; Else3; ... ;EndIf3;

    ElseIf (ELSEIF for an IF-sentence)
    If3 isAppRunning Google Maps;Then3;..;ElseIf3;...;ElseIf3;...;ElseIf3;...; Else3;...;EndIf3;

    Else (ELSE for an IF-sentence)
    If3 isAppRunning Google Maps;Then3;..;Else3;...;EndIf3;

    EndIf (END for an IF-sentence)
    If3 $counter5 != 3;Then3;...;Else3;...;EndIf3;

    IF-Sentence example:
    If2 $counter==0;
    Then2; /* the number in front of 'Then' should match the number in front of the corresponding 'If', 'Else', 'ElseIf' and 'EndIf'*/
    ..... (macros for the case when $counter equals 0)
    ElseIf2 $counter==1;
    ..... (macros for the case when $counter equals 1)
    ElseIf2 $counter==2;
    ..... (macros for the case when $counter equals 2)
    ..... (macros for the case when $counter not equals 0, 1, or 2)

    Note about While Statement: While the statement in front of 'WhileX' is true, the macros between 'DoX' and 'EndWhileX' are executed

    Do ('DO' for a While-sentence)
    While2 $Counter<10; Do2;...;EndWhile2;

    While ('While' in a While-sentence)
    While2 Counter<10; Do2;...;EndWhile2;

    EndWhile ('END' for While-sentence)
    While2 Counter<10; Do2;some macros;EndWhile2;

    Operators that can be used in WHILE- and IF-sentences:

    IF9 $Counter == 2 ; Then9 ;....; EndIf9 ;
    IF8 $Text EndsWith book; Then8; .... ;EndIf9;
    IF7 $Number StarsWith 67; Then7; .... ;EndIf7;

    Last edited by Vijik; 04-29-12 at 08:25 AM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:20 PM
  8. Vijik's Avatar
    Decision-Making statements

    IdleSeconds (Returns no. of seconds device has not been used)
    Example: (Wait until the BB is not used for 10 seconds. Whiel waiting vibrate to tell the user that a macro shortcut waiting to execute)
    While2 IdleSeconds<10;Do2;Vibrate100;Delay2000;EndWhile2;

    IsBackLightOn (Returns TRUE if Back Light is On)

    IsBtOn (Returns TRUE if Bluetooth is enabled)

    IsCalling (Returns TRUE if there is an active call)
    Example: (wait until the device is in a call)
    While3 IsCalling ;Do3;Delay10000;EndWhile3;

    IsCBEmpty (Returns TRUE if ClipBoard is empty)

    IsConnectedToCharger (Returns TRUE if the device's USB port is connected to a charging device)

    IsCharging (Returns TRUE if battery is getting charged)

    IsDefined (Returns TRUE if a variable is defined)
    Set $Var1=2;IF1 IsDefined $Var1;THEN1;Show This text will always be shown;ENDIF1;

    IsForeground (Returns TRUE if an app is in the foreground)
    IF2 IsForeground Messages;Then2;...;EndIf2;

    IsHeadsetConnected (Returns TRUE if a headset is connected to the BlackBerry stereo jack)

    IsInHolster (Returns TRUE if the device is in holster)

    IsInPortrait (Returns TRUE if the device is in Portrait mode)

    IsLocked (Returns TRUE if the device locked)

    IsModuleForeground (Returns TRUE if a module is in the foreground)
    IF2 IsModuleForeground net_rim_bb_clock;Then2;...;EndIf2;

    IsModuleRunning (Returns TRUE if a module is running)
    IF2 IsModuleRunning net_rim_bb_clock;Then2;....EndIf2;

    IsNfcOn (Returns TRUE if NFC is enabled)

    IsPasswordEnabled (Returns TRUE if the device has a security password)

    IsProfileOnVibOnly (Returns TRUE if Profile is set to Vibrate Only)

    IsRadioOn (Returns TRUE if the Cellular Radio is enabled)

    IsRunning (Returns TRUE if an app is running)
    IF2 IsRunning Tasks;Then2;....EndIf2;

    IsWifiOn (Returns TRUE if Wifi is enabled)

    Last edited by Vijik; 07-05-12 at 04:21 AM.
    visortgw likes this.
    08-10-11 10:20 PM
  9. Vijik's Avatar
    Macros for Notifications & User Interface Control

    BackLightOff (Turns the backlight OFF)

    BackLightOn (Turns the backlight ON)

    Ding (Plays a note)
    Example 1 (plays default note)
    Ding 0;

    Example 2 (plays a note with frequency 150):
    Ding 150;

    Led (Changes LED status to Off, On, or Blink mode)
    Led On;
    Led Off;
    Led Blink;

    Lock (Locks the device)

    SelectFrom (Shows a list of options so the user can select one of them)
    Example 1:
    SelectFrom Option1, Option2, Option3; /* Shows a panel with following options: Option1, Option2, Option3, Cancel */

    Example 2:
    SelectFrom **20, Option1, Option2, Option3; /*Increases the font size for the shown options with number 20, then shows the options so that the user can select one */

    Example 3:
    SelectFrom f//irst,s//econd. /* F is now the shortcut for 'first' option, and S is now the shortcut for 'second' option */

    Example 4:
    .... /*Macros to bring up a Compose SMS page */
    KeyHeading your way; /*Enters HEading Your Way in the SMS msg*/
    SelectFrom **15,LYT Shortcut?,LYM Shortcut; /*Shows a panel with 3 big buttons to select from: "LYT Shortcut?" "LYM Shortcut" and "Cancel". If you select the first button, $$Result variable is set to 0, if you select the second one $$result variable is set to 1*/
    If2 $$Result==0; /*If "LYT Shortcut?" button was selected" */
    ImportMacro LYT;

    ElseIf2 $$Result==1; /*If "LYM Shortcut?" button was selected" */
    ImportMacro LYM;
    Else2; /*If "Cancel" button was selected" */


    SetBrightness (Sets LCD brightness to a value between 10 and 100 (%)
    SetBrightness 100;

    SetLedColor (Sets the LED color)
    (Pre defined colors: Green, Blue, Yellow, White, Red, Orange, Purple)
    SetLedColor G; (Changes LED color to Green)
    SetLedColor Green; (Changes LED color to Green)
    SetLedColor 120,130, 255; (Changed the LED color to RGB color Red=120, Green=130, and Blue=255)

    Show (Shows a message and then asks what to do next)
    Show Hello;
    Show $var;
    Show GetForeground;
    Show This message is shown for max 3 seconds #3000;
    Show This message is shown for max 3 seconds if no key is pressed ##3000;

    Unlock (Tries to unlock the device. If the device has a password, the password entering screen shows up)

    Vibrate (Vibrates the phone for x mSeconds)

    Last edited by Vijik; 08-12-12 at 10:13 PM.
    08-10-11 10:21 PM
  10. Vijik's Avatar

    - AutoLaunchAdd /*Schedules a shortcut to launch x minutes later*/
    Format: AutoLaunchAdd ANumber, MinutesFromNow, ShortcutToLaunch;
    AutoLaunchAdd 1,65,TBT; /*Sets AutoLaunch # 1 to launch TBT shortcut in ShortcutMe 65 minutes from the time this macro is executed. The number 1, is a number identifying this auto launch. Macros can later on, override this autolaunch with a new timing and shortcut key if they use the same number*/

    - AutoLaunchRemove /*Removes a previously added auto launch by 'AutoLaunchAdd' macro */
    AutoLaunchRemove 1,TBT; /*Removes AutoLaunch # 1 if it was set to launch TBT shortcut in ShortcutMe */

    BlockStart (Initiate a block selection)
    Example: (Highlight a line of text)

    ImportMacro (Imports macros belonging to a shortcut or a plug-in in ShortcutMe)
    Example (Import macros written in shortcut with keys MWU):
    ImportMacro MWU;

    Example 2 (Imports macros from a plugin function:
    ImportMacro +Bluetooth_On;

    Example 3 (Imports macros in a file on the micro SD card):
    ImportMacro SDCard/BlackBerry/documents/macro_a.txt;

    GetBatteryLevel (returns battery level in %).

    GetBatteryTemp (returns battery temperature in C).

    GetCB (Returns the text stored in the BB's Clipboard)

    GetDay (returns day of month in DD format (01, 29)).

    GetDayOfWeek (returns day of week in DD format (01 for Monday, 07 for Sunday)).

    GetForeground (Returns name of the app in foreground)

    GetModuleForeground (returns module name of the app in the foreground)

    GetMonth (returns month of the year in mm format (00, 01, 12)).

    GetProfileVolume (returns the volume (0-100) setting based on the selected Profile)

    GetSCMVersion (Returns ShortcutMe's version number)

    GetSSID (Returns SSID of the router (if any) the BB is connected to)

    GetTime (returns current time in HHMM format (for 15:10, it returns 1510)).
    "Set $NowTime=gettime;"
    "If2 gettime>1300;Then2; ....;Else2; ....;EndIf2;"

    GetUpTime (Returns up time in hhmmss format where hh is hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds after the device is powered up).
    "Set $UpTime=GetUpTime;"

    GetWaitTilDelay (Returns the value used for delays in LaunchAndWait, LaunchModuleAndWait, etc)

    GetYear (Returns year in YYYY format)

    GetGlobal (sets $$Result to the value of a global variable)

    SafeMode_Off (Turns off Safe Mode)

    SafeMode_On (turns on Safe Mode to prompt you when a macro tries to click a key, an item, or a hotkey)

    SafeP (shows a Safe Mode prompt)

    SetGlobal (sets value of a global variable)
    SetGlobal %test2= 56;
    GetGlobal %test2;
    Show $$Result;

    StoreGlobals (Stores all global variables into the store)

    RestoreGlobals (Restores all global)

    KeyToSpKey Turns all Key Click macros to Special Key click macros

    ScreenSwipe (Simulates a finger swipe on the BB screen from point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) )

    ScreenTap (Simulates a tap on the BB screen at point (x1,y1))

    WaitTil (Wait til a test result returns TRUE, or until timing out (times out after 20 x WaitTilDelay))

    WaitTilDelay (Delay value for WaitTil, LaunchAndWait, and LaunchModuleAndWait macros. Default value is 100 mSeconds)


    - CloseOptions
    (Closes Bb Options or any of it's sub pages if they are open)

    - SearchAndRun (Search for something on your BB and then launch it directly from your shortuct)
    SearchAndRun App World; /*Looks for App World and then launches it*/

    - TurnWifiOn

    - TurnWifiOff

    - TurnRadioOn

    - TurnRadioOff

    - TurnBtOn
    (only for BB OS 6 and 7)

    - TurnBtOff (only for BB OS 6 and 7)

    - TurnNFCOn (only for BB OS 6 and 7)

    - TurnNFCOff (only for BB OS 6 and 7)

    - SearchOptionsAndOpen (Searches for a name in BB Options and opens the first match: Usually the setting page for name specified)
    SearchOptionsAndOpenBlackBerry Bridge; /*Opens settings page for the BlackBerry Bridge*/

    Last edited by Vijik; 08-26-12 at 12:17 AM.
    08-10-11 10:21 PM
  11. sushistew's Avatar
    this is great, i am just starting to make my first macros
    08-11-11 08:32 PM
  12. bharuch7282's Avatar
    is there any macro to auto fill the password field in certain websites
    08-11-11 08:51 PM
  13. anon(1603170)'s Avatar
    is there any macro to auto fill the password field in certain websites
    Just the password field? like typing only the password? or a full auto login macro?

    You can use the key macro to simulate typing. You would just need to get onto the passworld field yourself. You can also use passwordkey to have the typed down password encrypted.

    A full auto login macro is a bit more complex since you have to determine manually the posicion of the username and password fields. There are a few example macros in the "handy shortcutme macros" thread.
    08-11-11 11:21 PM
  14. bharuch7282's Avatar
    Just the password field? like typing only the password? or a full auto login macro?

    You can use the key macro to simulate typing. You would just need to get onto the passworld field yourself. You can also use passwordkey to have the typed down password encrypted.

    A full auto login macro is a bit more complex since you have to determine manually the posicion of the username and password fields. There are a few example macros in the "handy shortcutme macros" thread.
    just the password field as if u have any option to add menu in the system menu where u can select the desired app or website and get the password field filled
    08-12-11 05:46 AM
  15. Vijik's Avatar
    just the password field as if u have any option to add menu in the system menu where u can select the desired app or website and get the password field filled
    Yes, you can:
    First create a macro shortcut that autofills your password for a web site (let's say you chooses to have shortcut keys PWY (for PassWord Yahoo) for this shortcut).

    Then go to Common Config page and set one of the Custom System Menus to PWY and name this System Menu of yours YahooPassword or anything else you want.
    You are done.

    Now, ShortcutMe can do a lot more than just enter a password:
    You can create one single macro shortcut, that takes you to the web page, enters your username , then your password and then hits enter. All that as one single shortcut!
    You can setup ShortcutMelaunch so that you can run this single shortcut, by multiple clicking the conv key, or the space key, or from BB System menu, or if you download MyOwnIcon_Light (2 free icons) you can make a BB Home Screen icon for it with hot keys (Just hit Y in BB home screen to run it).
    08-13-11 06:28 AM
  16. bharuch7282's Avatar
    thanks vijik but can you please explain with step by step coz there are so many options to select and it is very complicated for me. thanks in advance
    Yes, you can:
    First create a macro shortcut that autofills your password for a web site (let's say you chooses to have shortcut keys PWY (for PassWord Yahoo) for this shortcut).

    Then go to Common Config page and set one of the Custom System Menus to PWY and name this System Menu of yours YahooPassword or anything else you want.
    You are done.

    Now, ShortcutMe can do a lot more than just enter a password:
    You can create one single macro shortcut, that takes you to the web page, enters your username , then your password and then hits enter. All that as one single shortcut!
    You can setup ShortcutMelaunch so that you can run this single shortcut, by multiple clicking the conv key, or the space key, or from BB System menu, or if you download MyOwnIcon_Light (2 free icons) you can make a BB Home Screen icon for it with hot keys (Just hit Y in BB home screen to run it).
    08-13-11 08:36 AM
  17. anon(1603170)'s Avatar
    thanks vijik but can you please explain with step by step coz there are so many options to select and it is very complicated for me. thanks in advance
    -open shortcutme
    -press the menu key
    -choose "add shortcut"
    -in app name choose "macro"
    -in shortcut keys enter any combination o keys, maximum three, can be P, or PAS, or PW, or AB
    -in macros, type keyPASSWORD, replace PASSWORD with your password
    -go back to shortcutme's main screen
    -press menukey again
    -choose common config
    -scroll down until you see with blue letters "custom system menu"
    -put "add custom menu 1 to system menu" as yes
    -in "system menu name", type down the name you want it to be shown in the menu, example: "my password"
    -in "system menu item launches", type down the key combination you chose before, example: PW, PAS, or P
    -press escape and choose save, or yes to save
    -item should be in system menu, if not, check applications permission and set all to allow

    This however, is a single entry for a password, each entry has to be created in shortcutme. Unlike quicklaunch (which you may be accustomed with), that opens up a menu with your saved passwords.

    You can also use a combination of autotext and shortcutme. By creating an autotext entry called "pw". Then having shortcutme type pw, will trigger autotext and replace pw with the password. Suggesting this because autotext replaces the text faster than the speed shortcutme types it, so using a two/three letter entry with autotext is good for long passwords.
    Last edited by gbsn; 08-13-11 at 08:22 PM.
    bharuch7282 and Vijik like this.
    08-13-11 07:17 PM
  18. bharuch7282's Avatar
    thank you gbsn i am so glad this works perfectly and i really appreciate ur time and help. thanks again.
    08-14-11 08:56 AM
  19. Vijik's Avatar
    Thank you gbsn for the step by step instruction.

    ....This however, is a single entry for a password ....
    ShortcutMe could open users password menus if the user enters PW* for their Custom System Menu setting and if they have all of their password entry shortcuts have PW as first 2 shortcut keys.

    PW* (ran from system menu) opens the list of all PWx shortcuts.

    The advantages with this approach is that you can edit/add password entry shortcuts right on the shown menu (if you find out that you need to modify them). You don't need to exit the password menus and open the app againto edit them!
    08-14-11 02:15 PM
  20. anon(1603170)'s Avatar
    Thank you gbsn for the step by step instruction.

    ShortcutMe could open users password menus if the user enters PW* for their Custom System Menu setting and if they have all of their password entry shortcuts have PW as first 2 shortcut keys.

    PW* (ran from system menu) opens the list of all PWx shortcuts.
    True, forgot about the *, it makes it even better, overriding the need for a fixed menu.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    08-15-11 01:58 AM
  21. Vijik's Avatar
    A new macro called 'GetTime' is added to latest version of ShortcutMe.

    ('GetTime' macro is available on 5.7+ series for BB OS 7, and on ShortcutMe version for BB OS 6.x,5.x, and 4.3+)

    'GetTime' macro returns current time in HHMM format (for 15:10, it returns 1510).
    you can now for example write the following macros using this new macro:
    "Set $NowTime=gettime;"
    "If2 gettime>1300;Then2; ....;Else2; ....;EndIf2;"

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    08-25-11 09:43 AM
  22. Vijik's Avatar
    Following macros are added to ShortcutMe 5.9 (for all BB models running BB OS 7) and 5.6 (for all BB models running BB OS 4.3+ to 6.x) :

    - SpSpaceKey
    - ScreenTap
    - ScreenSwipe
    - IsCharging
    - IsPasswordEnabled
    - KeyToSpKey
    - IsDefined
    - IsBtOn
    - IsWifiOn
    - IsRadioOn
    - IsBackLightOn
    - IsNfcOn
    - IsConnectedToCharger
    - Led
    - SetLedColor
    - isDefined
    - isInPortrait
    - GetUpTime
    - GetTime
    - GetDay
    - GetMonth
    - Sum
    - Sub
    - Mult
    - Div
    - IsHeadsetConnected (Currently only on beta. Will be released soon)
    - KeypadLockKey (Currently only on beta. Will be released soon)

    I will add them to the macro list on the first page of this thread
    10-05-11 09:50 PM
  23. fyjpm's Avatar
    Can someone help me create a macro that will toggle the profiles from normal to vibrate and vice versa? I've been playing around with profile_selector and if-statements, but my I am not quite grasping the syntax of the macros yet.
    FYI - actually if you press and hold "Q", blackberry does this for you by default (at least OS7 does , and as long as you have Homescreen Hotkeys enabled) - no macros required..
    10-27-11 09:13 AM
  24. anon(4113192)'s Avatar
    what's the difference between ClipboardPaste and PasteFromCB?

    on another note, thank you Vijik, this thread is very helpful
    mousii likes this.
    10-30-11 03:52 PM
  25. Vijik's Avatar
    what's the difference between ClipboardPaste and PasteFromCB?

    on another note, thank you Vijik, this thread is very helpful
    ClipboardPaste is no longer available in ShortcutMe. (I just updated the post in this thread to reflect this).

    PasteFromCB, does the same thing as if you hit Menu/BB key in a program and hit 'Paste': It will paste the clipboard into a text field.

    Good to know that you find it helpful. (Cheaters have rated this thread low while they rate their own threads to 5 star)

    I have to update this thread to have the new macros that are added lately.

    Let me know if you find any info in the first page of this thread that is not correct.
    mousii likes this.
    10-30-11 05:01 PM
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